The chapter summarises some essential features and findings related to the toxicities of lithium (Li) and nickel (Ni), which are always present in trace concentrations in food and the environment. These metal elements occur almost everywhere in nature, including in soils, rocks and the atmosphere. Therefore, due attention should be paid to their presence in various substances, including food, water and air. These materials can enter the human body through ingestion of food, drinking water and other routes, such as inhalation and skin penetration. The occurrence of Li/Ni in the environment has increased tremendously recently due to some human activities, especially specific technological processes, which have resulted in an increased presence of these elements in various products and goods. Recently, Li and Ni are gradually being used as main components in Li-ion and NiCd batteries. The first type of battery is mainly used in electric cars, while the less powerful NiCd batteries are primarily used in portable electronic devices and toys.
In addition, the chapter discusses the specific forms of toxicity of these metal elements and their occurrence in some foods. The processes and pathways by which these elements can enter the human organism are also described. They can have severely harmful effects at certain excessive concentrations and amounts. Because of these detrimental impacts, Li and Ni levels should be monitored to enable intervention when their presence exceeds regulatory limits or recommendations. Based on the results of such measurements, effective control mechanisms can then be implemented to minimise their effects on human health, including introducing appropriate measures to protect workers who come into contact with these elements in the workplace. This chapter also describes the actions necessary to regulate these elements’ presence and impose adequate controlling mechanisms and preparations, including those to respond effectively to possible emergencies.