Explicit solutions to the conifold equations with complex dimension n = 3, 4 in terms of complex coordinates (fields) are employed to construct the Ricci-flat Kähler metrics on these manifolds. The Kähler two-forms are found to be closed. The complex realization of these conifold metrics are used in the construction of two-dimensional nonlinear sigma model with the conifolds as target spaces. The action for the sigma model is shown to be bounded from below. By a suitable choice of the "integration constants", arising in the solution of Ricci flatness requirement, the metric and the equations of motion are found to be non-singular. As the target space is Ricci-flat, the perturbative one-loop counterterms being absent, the model becomes topological. The inherent U(1) fiber over the base of the conifolds is shown to correspond to a gauge connection in the sigma model.
The same procedure is employed to construct the metric for the resolved conifold, in terms of complex coordinates and the action for a nonlinear sigma model with resolved conifold as target space, is found to have a minimum value, which is topological. The metric is expressed in terms of the six real coordinates and compared with earlier works. The harmonic function, which is the warp factor in Type II-B string theory, is obtained and the ten-dimensional warped metric has the AdS5 × X5 geometry.