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  • articleNo Access

    The equation characterizations of generalized inverses in a ring with involution

    In this paper, we study the relation between the generalized inverse properties of an element in a ring with involution and related equations. Mainly, by exploring the existence of the solution in a given set and the expressions of the general solution to these constructed related equation, we obtain a lot of new characterizations of EP elements, partial isometries, SEP elements, Hermitian elements and normal elements.

  • articleNo Access


    By a purely computational approach we prove that each nonzero normal element of a completed group algebra over the special linear group SLn(ℤp) is a unit.

  • articleNo Access


    Surprisingly, skew derivations rather than ordinary derivations are more basic (important) object in study of the Grassmann algebras. Let Λn = K ⌊x1, …, xn⌋ be the Grassmann algebra over a commutative ring K with ½ ∈ K, and δ be a skew K-derivation of Λn. It is proved that δ is a unique sum δ = δev + δod of an even and odd skew derivation. Explicit formulae are given for δev and δod via the elements δ (x1), …, δ (xn). It is proved that the set of all even skew derivations of Λn coincides with the set of all the inner skew derivations. Similar results are proved for derivations of Λn. In particular, DerKn) is a faithful but not simple AutKn)-module (where K is reduced and n ≥ 2). All differential and skew differential ideals of Λn are found. It is proved that the set of generic normal elements of Λn that are not units forms a single AutKn)-orbit (namely, AutKn)x1) if n is even and two orbits (namely, AutKn)x1 and AutKn)(x1 + x2 ⋯ xn)) if n is odd.

  • articleNo Access

    The existence of primitive normal elements of quadratic forms over finite fields

    For q=3r (r), denote by 𝔽q the finite field of order q and for a positive integer m2, let 𝔽qm be its extension field of degree m. We establish a sufficient condition for existence of a primitive normal element α such that f(α) is a primitive element, where f(x)=ax2+bx+c, with a,b,c𝔽qm satisfying b2ac in 𝔽qm.

  • articleOpen Access

    Inner generalized Weyl algebras and their simplicity criteria

    The aim of the paper is to introduce a new class of rings — the inner generalized Weyl algebras (IGWA) — and to give simplicity criteria for them. For each IGWA A a derivative series of IGWAs, AAAA(α), is attached where α is an arbitrary ordinal. In general, all rings A(α) are distinct. A new construction of rings, the inner (σ,τ,a)-extension of a ring, is introduced (where σ and τ are endomorphisms of a ring D and aD).

  • articleNo Access

    On primitive normal elements over finite fields

    Let 𝔽qn be an extension of the field 𝔽q of degree n, where q=pk for some positive integer k and prime p. In this paper, we establish a sufficient condition for the existence of a primitive element α𝔽qn such that α2+α+1 is also primitive as well as a primitive normal element α of 𝔽qn over 𝔽q such that α2+α+1 is primitive.