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  • articleNo Access

    Kowalevskaya exponents and normal forms of planar dynamical systems. Application to integrability problem

    In this work, dynamical properties of the solutions of differential systems in the plane are provided using certain constants related with the Kowalevskaya exponents. An orbital normal form that allows to study the existence of analytic and non-analytic first integrals is given. We apply the results to study the algebraic and analytic integrability around several singularities.

  • articleNo Access

    Approximation of small-amplitude weakly coupled oscillators by discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations

    Small-amplitude weakly coupled oscillators of the Klein–Gordon lattices are approximated by equations of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger type. We show how to justify this approximation by two methods, which have been very popular in the recent literature. The first method relies on a priori energy estimates and multi-scale decompositions. The second method is based on a resonant normal form theorem. We show that although the two methods are different in the implementation, they produce equivalent results as the end product. We also discuss the applications of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the context of existence and stability of breathers of the Klein–Gordon lattice.

  • articleNo Access

    Spiking Neural P Systems with Astrocytes Producing Calcium

    The astrocytes are cells which play an essential role in the functioning and interaction of neurons by feeding the respective neurons with calcium ions. Drawing inspiration from this two-way relationship in which the astrocytes influence and are influenced by the neurons by means of calcium ions, in this paper, we define and study spiking neural P systems with astrocytes producing calcium. Distinct from the usual firing rules in spiking neural P systems, the firing condition not only depends on the spikes collected in a neuron but also on the calcium units received from astrocytes. From the perspective of topological structure, the new variant is shown as a directed graph in which synapses link either astrocytes or neurons, as well as astrocytes to neurons and conversely. The computational power of spiking neural P systems with astrocytes producing calcium is investigated; it is proved that these systems using a limited number of rules are Turing universal as both number generating and number accepting devices. It is also presented how to obtain normal forms by removing forgetting rules and delays while preserving the computational power.

  • articleNo Access


    We reduce CR-structures on smooth elliptic and hyperbolic manifolds of CR-codimension 2 to parallelisms thus solving the problem of global equivalence for such manifolds. The parallelism that we construct is defined on a sequence of two principal bundles over the manifold, takes values in the Lie algebra of infinitesimal automorphisms of the quadric corresponding to the Levi form of the manifold, and behaves "almost" like a Cartan connection. The construction is explicit and allows us to study the properties of the parallelism as well as those of its curvature form. It also leads to a natural class of "semi-flat" manifolds for which the two bundles reduce to a single one and the parallelism turns into a true Cartan connection.

    In addition, for real-analytic manifolds we describe certain local normal forms that do not require passing to bundles, but in many ways agree with the structure of the parallelism.

  • articleNo Access


    We show that a nonlinear dynamical system in Poincaré–Dulac normal form (in ℝn) can be seen as a constrained linear system; the constraints are given by the resonance conditions satisfied by the spectrum of (the linear part of) the system and identify a naturally invariant manifold for the flow of the "parent" linear system. The parent system is finite dimensional if the spectrum satisfies only a finite number of resonance conditions, as implied e.g. by the Poincaré condition. In this case our result can be used to integrate resonant normal forms, and sheds light on the geometry behind the classical integration method of Horn, Lyapounov and Dulac.

  • articleNo Access


    We classify the possible behavior of Poincaré–Dulac normal forms for dynamical systems in Rn with nonvanishing linear part and which are equivariant under (the fundamental representation of) all the simple compact Lie algebras and thus the corresponding simple compact Lie groups. The "renormalized forms" (in the sense of Ref. 22) of these systems is also discussed; in this way we are able to simplify the classification and moreover to analyze systems with zero linear part. We also briefly discuss the convergence of the normalizing transformations.

  • articleNo Access


    This paper is devoted to the analysis of bifurcations in a three-parameter unfolding of a linear degeneracy corresponding to a triple-zero eigenvalue. We carry out the study of codimension-two local bifurcations of equilibria (Takens–Bogdanov and Hopf-zero) and show that they are nondegenerate. This allows to put in evidence the presence of several kinds of bifurcations of periodic orbits (secondary Hopf,…) and of global phenomena (homoclinic, heteroclinic). The results obtained are applied in the study of the Rössler equation.

  • articleNo Access


    We describe a method for the design of feedback stabilization control laws for nonlinear systems using the theory of normal forms and the results from optimal control theory. We show that the resulting controllers can provide a larger region of stability than local linear controllers designed to perform the same task.

  • articleNo Access

    Simplest Normal Forms of Hopf–Neimark–Sacker Bifurcations

    According to [Yu, 1999], at most two terms remain in the amplitude equation of the normal form of a continuous system, expressed in polar coordinates, with a Hopf or Generalized Hopf singularity, if we (only) apply specific nonlinear transformation to the conventional normal form; but, at least one remains in the phase equation. In this paper we show that, using a particular nonlinear scaling, these terms in the phase equation can be eliminated, which simplifies the (diffeomorphic) normal form given by [Yu, 1999]. Besides, we have also treated the Neimark–Sacker and Generalized Neimark–Sacker bifurcations, the corresponding discrete cases of the Hopf and Generalized Hopf, obtaining results which are similar to the continuous ones.

  • articleNo Access


    The fold-flip bifurcation occurs if a map has a fixed point with multipliers +1 and -1 simultaneously. In this paper the normal form of this singularity is calculated explicitly. Both local and global bifurcations of the unfolding are analyzed by exploring a close relationship between the derived normal form and the truncated amplitude system for the fold-Hopf bifurcation of ODEs. Two examples are presented, the generalized Hénon map and an extension of the Lorenz-84 model. In the latter example the first-, second- and third-order derivatives of the Poincaré map are computed using variational equations to find the normal form coefficients.

  • articleNo Access


    Simple computational formulas are derived for the two-, three-, and four-order coefficients of the smooth normal form on the center manifold at the Bogdanov–Takens (nonsemisimple double-zero) bifurcation for n-dimensional systems with arbitrary n ≥ 2. These formulas are equally suitable for both symbolic and numerical evaluation and allow one to classify all codim 3 Bogdanov–Takens bifurcations in generic multidimensional ODEs. They are also applicable to systems with symmetries. We perform no preliminary linear transformations but use only critical (generalized) eigenvectors of the linearization matrix and its transpose. The derivation combines the approximation of the center manifold with the normalization on it. Three known models are used as test examples to demonstrate advantages of the method.

  • articleNo Access


    An explicit, computationally efficient, recursive formula is presented for computing the normal form and center manifold of general n-dimensional systems associated with Hopf bifurcation. Maple program is developed based on the analytical formulas, and shown to be computationally efficient, using two examples.

  • articleNo Access


    We face the problem of characterizing the periodic cases in parametric families of rational diffeomorphisms of 𝕂k, where 𝕂 is ℝ or ℂ, having a fixed point. Our approach relies on the Normal Form Theory, to obtain necessary conditions for the existence of a formal linearization of the map, and on the introduction of a suitable rational parametrization of the parameters of the family. Using these tools we can find a finite set of values p for which the map can be p-periodic, reducing the problem of finding the parameters for which the periodic cases appear to simple computations. We apply our results to several two- and three-dimensional classes of polynomial or rational maps. In particular, we find the global periodic cases for several Lyness-type recurrences.

  • articleNo Access

    Dynamics of Collective Decisions in a Time-Dependent Environment

    The field of dynamical systems had been revolutionized by the seminal work of Leonid Shil'nikov. As a tribute to his genius we analyze in this paper the response of dynamical systems to systematic variations of a control parameter in time, using a normal form approach. Explicit expressions of the normal forms and of their parameter dependences are derived for a class of systems possessing multiple steady-states associated to collective choices between several options in group-living organisms, giving rise to bifurcations of the pitchfork and of the limit point type. Depending on the conditions, delays in the transitions between states, stabilization of metastable states, or on the contrary enhancement of the choice of the most rewarding option induced by the time dependence of the parameter are identified.

  • articleNo Access

    Normal Forms for Codimension One Planar Piecewise Smooth Vector Fields

    In this paper, we are dealing with piecewise smooth vector fields in a 2D-manifold. In such a scenario, the main goal of this paper is to exhibit the homeomorphism that gives the topological equivalence between a codimension one piecewise smooth vector field and the respective C0-normal form.

  • articleNo Access

    Bifurcation Sequences in the Symmetric 1:1 Hamiltonian Resonance

    We present a general review of the bifurcation sequences of periodic orbits in general position of a family of resonant Hamiltonian normal forms with nearly equal unperturbed frequencies, invariant under 2×2 symmetry. The rich structure of these classical systems is investigated with geometric methods and the relation with the singularity theory approach is also highlighted. The geometric approach is the most straightforward way to obtain a general picture of the phase-space dynamics of the family as is defined by a complete subset in the space of control parameters complying with the symmetry constraint. It is shown how to find an energy-momentum map describing the phase-space structure of each member of the family, a catastrophe map that captures its global features and formal expressions for action-angle variables. Several examples, mainly taken from astrodynamics, are used as applications.

  • articleNo Access

    Bifurcating Solutions and Asymptotics in Logistic Equation with State-Dependent Delays

    The article considers the question of local dynamics of the logistic equation with delays and the delay coefficients being the nonlinear functions. It is supposed that one of the parameters, characterizing the delay value, is sufficiently large. The stability criterion is formulated and critical cases in the problem of balance state stability are defined. The main content of the paper is focused on studying the local dynamics in cases close to critical. In nature, these critical cases are infinite dimensional. Special nonlinear boundary-value problems of the parabolic type are constructed, which play the role of normal forms. Their nonlocal dynamics defines the behavior of the solutions from the small neighborhood of the balance state of the initial equation. The conclusions on the role of nonlinearity in the delay coefficients, in the behavior of the dynamic properties of the solutions are summarized.

  • articleNo Access


    In this paper we construct a gathering process by the means of which we obtain new normal forms in braid groups. The new normal forms generalize Artin–Markoff normal forms and possess an extremely natural geometric description. In the two last sections of the paper we discuss the implementation of the introduced gathering process and the questions that arose in our work. This discussion leads us to some interesting observations, in particular, we offer a method of generating a random braid.

  • articleNo Access

    Markov semigroups, monoids and groups

    A group is Markov if it admits a prefix-closed regular language of unique representatives with respect to some generating set, and strongly Markov if it admits such a language of unique minimal-length representatives over every generating set. This paper considers the natural generalizations of these concepts to semigroups and monoids. Two distinct potential generalizations to monoids are shown to be equivalent. Various interesting examples are presented, including an example of a non-Markov monoid that nevertheless admits a regular language of unique representatives over any generating set. It is shown that all finitely generated commutative semigroups are strongly Markov, but that finitely generated subsemigroups of virtually abelian or polycyclic groups need not be. Potential connections with word-hyperbolic semigroups are investigated. A study is made of the interaction of the classes of Markov and strongly Markov semigroups with direct products, free products, and finite-index subsemigroups and extensions. Several questions are posed.

  • articleNo Access


    We investigate a system of partial differential equations modeling ambipolar plasmas. The ambipolar — or zero current — model is obtained from general plasmas equations in the limit of vanishing Debye length. In this model, the electric field is expressed as a linear combination of macroscopic variable gradients. We establish that the governing equations can be written as a symmetric form by using entropic variables. The corresponding dissipation matrices satisfy the null space invariant property and the system of partial differential equations can be written as a normal form, i.e. in the form of a symmetric hyperbolic–parabolic composite system. By properly modifying the chemistry source terms and/or the diffusion matrices, asymptotic stability of equilibrium states is established and decay estimates are obtained. We also establish the continuous dependence of global solutions with respect to vanishing electron mass.