The high spectral resolution of hyperspectral data allows us to solve important applied tasks with improved accuracy, but the costs of transmission, storage, processing, and recognition of such data are high. However, hyperspectral data contain substantial redundancy, so the important problem is to reduce the dimensionality of such data while preserving the improved quality of the solution of applied tasks.
In this chapter, to solve the above problem, we focus on a well-known nonlinear mapping technique, which is based on the principle of preserving pairwise Euclidean distances between vectors. We compare this technique to other dimensionality reduction techniques. To address the problem of the high computational complexity, we use a variety of methods, including stochastic gradient descent, interpolation, and space partitioning.
Next, we extend the considered technique in a natural way to use it with different spectral dissimilarity measures, such as spectral angle, spectral correlation, and spectral information divergence. In particular, several dimensionality reduction techniques based on the principle of preserving the selected pairwise dissimilarity measures are described in this chapter.
Finally, for hyperspectral images, we consider how the spatial information contained in images can be used in nonlinear mapping. In particular, we modify the dissimilarity measures to take into account the spatial context of image pixels using the order statistics.
All the experiments in this chapter are conducted using well-known open hyperspectral images.