Let G be a finite group, p a prime, P a Sylow p-subgroup of G and d a power of p such that 1<d<|P|. Let G∗p denote the unique smallest normal subgroup of G for which the corresponding factor group is abelian of exponent dividing p−1. Let 𝔉1, 𝔉2, 𝔉3 be classes of all p-groups, p-nilpotent groups and p-supersolvable groups, respectively, G𝔉 be the 𝔉-residual of G. Let X∈{(G∗p)𝔉1,G𝔉2,G𝔉3}. A subgroup H of a finite group G is said to have Π-property in G, if for any G-chief factor L/K, |G/K:NG/K((H∩L)K/K)| is a π((H∩L)K/K)-number. A normal subgroup E of G is said to be p-hypercyclically embedded in G if every p-G-chief factor of E is cyclic, where p is a fixed prime. In this paper, we prove that E is p-hypercyclically embedded in G if and only if for some p-subgroups H of E, H∩X have Π-property in G.