In the present paper we study the deformed harmonic oscillator for the non-Hermitian operator
where λ,θ are real positive parameters, since the parameters α,β,m are for the general case complex.For the case α=1,β=1 and mass m real, we find the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of energy, the coherent states, the time evolution of the operators
in the Heisenberg picture and the uncertainty relations. In this case the operator ℋ is Hermitian and PT-symmetric. Also for the case m complex α=1,β=1, the operator ℋ is non-Hermitian and no more PT symmetric, but CPT symmetric with real discrete positive spectrum and the CPT symmetry is preserved. In the general case α,β,m complex, for the non-Hermitian operator ℋ, we obtain complex spectrum and for the special values of the complex parameters α,β the spectrum is real discrete and positive and the CPT symmetry is preserved. The general problem of deformed oscillator for non hermitian operators can be applied to the Solid State Physics.