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Bioinformatics plays an important role for in the research and development of the life science and biotechnology. This paper intends to give an overview of the activities of bioinformatics service, research and education at the Center of Bioinformatics, Peking University; the national node of the European Molecular Biology Network and the Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network.
SLT's Hepatitis A Diagnostic Kits under Licensing Evaluation.
First Logistics and Delivery Center in Shenzhen Launched.
China's First Anti-AIDS Intermediates Production Facility.
Eli Lilly Dispersible Prozac Tablets Available in China.
Micro Labs Expands Manufacturing Capacities.
Paradigm Sets up Subsidiary in Singapore.
TaiGen Receives Funding for Anti-SARS Research.
Xcyte Therapies Partners Taiwan Cell Therapy in Cancer Technology.
The article is about the study of the various ethnic groups resident in India that will provide insight on human evolutions and the evolution and spread of diseases.
Clinigene and SCIREX Cooperate on Global Clinical Trials.
CSL Announces New Share Buyback.
International Alliance Between ChemGenex and Stragen Pharma.
Mayne Pharma Expands in Europe.
Bausch & Lomb Acquires Shandong Chia Tai Freda Pharma.
Eli Lilly Collaborates with Taisho Pharma.
Pingchuan Signs Purchase and Sales Agreement with Sinopharm.
Vietnam to Begin Animal Testing of VIRA 38.
NIRS and Toshiba Medical Systems Develop a New 4-D Medical Imaging Device.
Medipost—First Biotech Company to List on the Korea Stock Exchange.
Korea Plans First Stem Cell Hospital.
Bio-Diagnostic Commercializes Rapid Diagnostic Kits for Infectious Diseases.
INS Bioscience Expands to China, US and West Asia.
Neuren Teams up with Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
Paradigm Signs Licensing and Collaborating Deal with Ortho-McNeil.
Paradigm and Takeda Enter Into CNS Therapeutics Alliance.
Too many enterprise innovation efforts, including those focused on enterprise process innovation (EPI), have led to underwhelming results. The growing list of ingredients for EPI are well known, well studied, and widely practiced. What is less often the topic of scholarly research is the question of how to mix these ingredients into a customized recipe for a specific enterprise. Further research into the variables that correlate with effective EPI recipes is called for, with an emphasis on meta-tool creation to enable managers to make informed decisions about the right ingredient mixture for their specific EPI challenges.
Paradigmatic shifts are challenging and consequently considerable efforts have been made to find concepts relating to the innovation process which lead from one paradigm to the next. This paper takes its inspiration from previous literature and studies of more than incremental innovations in the automotive industry. It outlines the concept of an interparadigmatic hybrid as a temporary combination (in one product or service) of technologies from an existing and a future paradigm in a way that facilitates the development toward the future paradigm. The proposed concept is tested on the product level using empirical data from the automotive industry, where it is assumed that hybrid electric vehicle technologies have the role of an interparadigmatic hybrid in the potential shift from the internal combustion engine to the paradigm of "pure" electric propulsion. The conclusions include an argument for the usefulness of the proposed concept for corporate managers, and perhaps even more so for policymakers and researchers, as it provides long-term strategic guidance and a (techno)logical order.
Actor-network theory (ANT) represents a research paradigm applicable to innovation management (IM) research. Its unique ontology of second-degree objectivity through symmetry can be combined with many research contexts, methods, and concepts. This paper summarises the insights from a literature review of 299 Web of Science articles on both ANT and IM. The meta-features of all articles are analysed to identify 25 articles for in-depth analysis. Three ANT literature streams are identified: descriptive, managerial proactive, and participatory proactive. These three streams are found to differ in terms of their specific methods, concepts, and research contexts. An additional subset of the 10 most cited articles is used to validate the findings. We suggest that IM researchers should select a specific ANT approach based on the context and the theorised hypothesis of their research. Knowledge of the options within ANT and how they can be applied to different IM contexts can help IM researchers in maximising research outcomes.
China’s Internet governance is not immutable, nor is it dominated by the government, as portrayed by Western scholars. Based on an analysis of Beijing’s Internet governance policies and practices, this paper focuses on the evolution of China’s Internet governance from the non-governmental stage through the government control stage to the multi-actor coordination stage. In terms of governance paradigm, Beijing’s Internet governance is transitioning from one-way management to multi-dimensional governance, from offline management to online and offline integration, and from “prior control” to “panoramic governance.” In terms of governance system, Beijing’s Internet governance has evolved from an ad hoc pattern through problem-solving to a strategic planning paradigm. Internet governance in China has demonstrated three features, namely, pragmatism, state centralism, and preemption. These characteristics have paved the way for the rapid development of China’s Internet but also present many challenges.
Cruise tourism is strongly growing and destinations have had during the last decade a manifold increase in tourists that go ashore. New quays are developed in several ports of call. To some destinations, the visitor industry is part of their livelihood. WCED stated 1987 that sustainable development includes economic growth but with protection of the environment’s quality.
This paper is a part of a multidisciplinary research programme about how to investigate and contribute to the conditions for economic growth but with protection of the delicate environment in order to balance different spheres of interest, i.e., conduct a sustainable development. In sustainable development and quality management, the stakeholder is an important concept.
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a theoretical study of the concept stakeholder. How can a tentative stakeholder model be described in quality-driven sustainability? Is there a paradigm shift in quality management?
This conceptual and discursive paper is based on a literature study departing from quality management (QM) and sustainable management (SM). The paper contains some philosophical discussions and comparative studies of others’ work and thinking.
The field of quality management is changing and literature shows that the meaning of stakeholder is influenced by the field of sustainable development. One conclusion of this paper is that there is a new paradigm of Quality Management.
The paper highlights the importance of interdisciplinary solutions when approaching societal issues, which can generate anomalies and new paradigms.
If 20th century physics have taught us one thing, it is that its findings point way beyond its conceptual framework. It doesn’t mean we need a new epistemology or a new paradigm. What we need is a pre-epistemology and a non-paradigm. We must learn to think in terms of what we apprehend. We must stop apprehending in terms of what we think. The basic task is to become aware of how we objectify the world – and why we lock into our objectifications once we do. Pre-epistemology will help us understand nature in more subtle ways. A non-paradigm will help us avoid getting stuck on any conception whatever. Quality cannot be appreciated by a person obsessed with quantity; non-local connections don’t reveal themselves to localising mindsets; dynamic processes are not accessible to a structure-mediated worldview. Nothing of this means we should discard the tools of modern science. It only means their use should become more discerning, Ultimately three things matter: (1) that we keep systems and minds open; (2) that in fragmenting and abstracting nature we never lose sight of its oneness; (3) that what we count doesn’t dictate for us what counts.