Let (P,≤) be an atomic poset with the least element 0. The complement of the intersection graph of ideals of P, denoted by Γ(P), is defined to be a graph whose vertices are all non-trivial ideals of P and two distinct vertices I and J are adjacent if and only if I∩J={0}. In this paper, we consider the complement of the intersection graph of ideals of a poset. We prove that Γ(P) is totally disconnected or diam(Γ(P)\𝔄)∈{1,2,3}, where 𝔄 is the set of all isolated vertices of Γ(P). We show that gr(Γ(P))∈{3,4,∞}. Also, we characterize all posets whose complement of the intersection graph is forest, unicyclic or complete r-partite graph. Among other results, we prove that Γ(P) is weakly perfect; and it is perfect if and only if |Atom(P)|≤4. Finally, we show that Γ(P) is class 1, where P=Atom(P)∪{0}.