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In this paper, the width of the decay τ→K−π0ντ is calculated in the framework of the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. The contributions of the intermediate vector K∗(892) and scalar K∗0(800) mesons are taken into account. It is shown that the main contribution to the width of this decay is given by the subprocesses with the intermediate W-boson and vector K∗(892) meson. The scalar channel with the intermediate K∗0(800) meson gives an insignificant contribution. In Appendix A, it is shown that the contribution of the subprocess with the intermediate K∗′(1410) meson is negligible as well. The obtained results are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data.
The full and differential widths of the decay τ→K0K−ντ are calculated in the framework of the extended Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model.The contributions of the subprocesses with the intermediate vector mesons ρ(770) and ρ(1450) are taken into account. The obtained results are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data.
The branching fractions of the decays η′→πρ and ρ→πη are calculated in the chiral quark NJL model. The decays exist due to the mass difference between u- and d-quarks leading to π0−η′ and π0−η mixing. Two different approaches are applied: the approximate calculation of this process, taking into account the transitions π0−η′ and π0−η explicitly without diagonalization and a more precise approach consisting in the diagonalization of the singlet and octet states leading to the physical fields π0, η and η′. The obtained results are in satisfactory agreement with current experimental data.
The processes e+e−→K±K∗∓(892) and e+e−→ηϕ(1020) are calculated in the framework of the extended Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model. The intermediate vector mesons ρ(770), ω(782), ϕ(1020) and their first radially excited states are taken into account. The obtained results are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data. The predictions for the cross-sections of the reactions e+e−→K±K∗∓(1410), e+e−→η′(958)ϕ(1020) and e+e−→ηϕ(1680) were made.
The processes e+e−→(f1(1285),a1(1260))γ in the threshold domain are considered in the framework of the extended Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model. The channels with the ground ρ(770), ω(782) and radially excited ρ(1450), ω(1420) intermediate meson states are taken into account. It is shown that in the process e+e−→f1(1285)γ, the probability of the subprocesses with ρ-mesons significantly exceeds the probability of the subprocesses with ω-mesons, whereas, in the process e+e−→a1(1260)γ, ρ- and ω-channels give approximately equal contributions. The mechanism of this effect is discussed. The radiative decay widths of ρ(1450)→f1(1285)γ, ω(1420)→f1(1285)γ, ρ(1450)→a1(1260)γ and ω(1420)→a1(1260)γ are calculated.
In the extended Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model, the decay widths of τ→(K,K(1460))ντ, (K,K(1460))→μνμ are calculated. The contributions from intermediate axial-vector mesons K1(1270), K1(1400) and the first radially excited state K1(1650) are taken into account. Estimates for the weak decay constants FK and FK′ are given. Predictions are made for the width of τ→K(1460)ντ decay and FK′ constant.
In the extended Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model, the branching fraction of τ→K∗0(892)K−ντ is calculated. The contributions from the contact diagram and the diagrams with intermediate axial-vector, vector and pseudoscalar mesons in the ground and first radially excited states are taken into account. It is shown that an axial-vector and vector channel with a contact diagram give a dominant contribution to the branching fraction. The obtained results for the branching fraction τ→K∗0(892)K−ντ are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data. A prediction for the differential distribution over the invariant mass of the meson pair K∗0(892)K− is given.
The effect of the interaction of mesons in the final state is additionally considered within the description of τ→πη(η′)ντ decays. This interaction is taken into account at the level of production of intermediate pions. One of them, in turn, might be transited into η or η′ mesons. Our results do not exceed the experimentally established branching fractions, and they are in agreement with the results of other theoretical studies.