Starting with a vertex-weighted pointed graph (Γ,μ,v0), we form the free loop algebra S0 defined in Hartglass–Penneys’ article on canonical C∗-algebras associated to a planar algebra. Under mild conditions, 𝒮0 is a non-nuclear simple C∗-algebra with unique tracial state. There is a canonical polynomial subalgebra A⊂𝒮0 together with a Dirac number operator N such that (A,L2A,N) is a spectral triple. We prove the Haagerup-type bound of Ozawa–Rieffel to verify (𝒮0,A,N) yields a compact quantum metric space in the sense of Rieffel.
We give a weighted analog of Benjamini–Schramm convergence for vertex-weighted pointed graphs. As our C∗-algebras are non-nuclear, we adjust the Lip-norm coming from N to utilize the finite dimensional filtration of A. We then prove that convergence of vertex-weighted pointed graphs leads to quantum Gromov–Hausdorff convergence of the associated adjusted compact quantum metric spaces.
As an application, we apply our construction to the Guionnet–Jones–Shyakhtenko (GJS) C∗-algebra associated to a planar algebra. We conclude that the compact quantum metric spaces coming from the GJS C∗-algebras of many infinite families of planar algebras converge in quantum Gromov–Hausdorff distance.