Memristive circuits and systems have been widely studied in the last years due to their potential applications in several technological areas. They are capable of producing nonlinear periodic and chaotic oscillations, due to their locally-active characteristics. In this paper, we consider a cubic four-parameter differential system which models a memristive circuit consisting of three elements: a passive linear inductor, a passive linear capacitor and a locally-active current-controlled generic memristor. This system has a saddle-focus equilibrium point at the origin, whose global stable and unstable manifolds are, respectively, the xx-axis and the plane x=0x=0, which are invariant sets where the dynamic is linear. We show that this structure can generate two twin Rössler-type chaotic attractors symmetrical with respect to the plane x=0x=0. We describe the mechanism of creation of these chaotic attractors, showing that, although being similar to the Rössler attractor, the twin attractors presented here have simpler structural mechanism of formation, since the system has no homoclinic or heteroclinic orbits to the saddle-focus, as presented by the Rössler system. The studied memristive system has the rare property of having chaotic dynamics and an invariant plane with linear dynamic, which is quite different from other chaotic systems presented in the literature that have invariant surfaces filled by equilibrium points. We also present and discuss the electronic circuit implementation of the considered system and study its dynamics at infinity, via the Poincaré compactification, showing that all the solutions, except the ones contained in the plane x=0x=0, are bounded and cannot escape to infinity.