An analogue of the Hofer metric ϱHϱH on the Hamiltonian group Ham(M,Λ)Ham(M,Λ) of a Poisson manifold (M,Λ)(M,Λ) can be defined, but there is the problem of its nondegeneracy. First, we observe that ϱHϱH is a genuine metric on Ham(M,Λ)Ham(M,Λ), when the union of all proper leaves of the corresponding symplectic foliation is dense. Next, we deal with the important class of integrable Poisson manifolds. Recall that a Poisson manifold is called integrable, if it can be realized as the space of units of a symplectic groupoid. Our main result states that ϱHϱH is a Hofer type metric for every Poisson manifold, which admits a Hausdorff integration.