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The mass of Z′ boson is considered in a flavor-independent phenomenological potential model. We have used the low energy parameters and the estimated value so obtained is accessible to experiments at low energies.
The radiative capture 14C(p, γ)15N is analyzed within the framework of potential model (PM) and R-matrix framework. The capture cross-section was analyzed for non-resonant and resonant transitions within the pathways that involve radiative capture via electric dipole (E1), and magnetic dipole (M1) transitions. The non-resonant transitions include E1 via s- and d-wave capture. The resonant transitions include electric dipole (E1), and magnetic dipole (M1) from the three dominant resonant states above the threshold of p+14C to the ground state of 15N. Based on the total cross-section, the rates associated with p+14C →15N+γ have been analyzed. In this paper, the resonant capture rates dominate compared to the existing data because, at resonant energies the amplitude of the cross-sections have a dominant effect on the radiative capture rates within the T9 = 1.
We reproduce masses of the self-conjugate and non-self-conjugate mesons in the context of the spinless Salpeter equation taking into account the relativistic kinematics and the quark spins. The hyperfine splittings for the 2S charmonium and 1S bottomonium are also calculated. Further, the pseudoscalar and vector decay constants of the Bc meson and the unperturbed radial wave function at the origin are also calculated. We have obtained a local equation with a complete relativistic corrections to a class of three attractive static interaction potentials of the general form V(r) = -Ar-β + κrβ + V0, with β = 1, 1/2, 3/4 decomposed into scalar and vector parts in the form VV(r) = -Ar-β + (1-∊)κrβ and VS(r) = ∊κrβ + V0; where 0≤∊≤1. We have used the shifted large-N-expansion technique (SLNET) to solve the reduced equation for the scalar (∊ = 1), equal mixture of scalar-vector (∊ = 1/2), and vector (∊ = 0) confinement interaction kernels. The energy eigenvalues are carried out up to the third order approximation.
We present bound state masses of the self-conjugate and non-self-conjugate mesons in the context of the Schrödinger equation taking into account the relativistic kinematics and the quark spins. We apply the usual interaction by adding the spin dependent correction. The hyperfine splittings for the 2S charmonium and 1S bottomonium are calculated. The pseudoscalar and vector decay constants of the Bc meson and the unperturbed radial wave function at the origin are also calculated. We have obtained a local equation with a complete relativistic corrections to a class of three attractive static interaction potentials of the general form V(r) = -Ar-β+κrβ+V0, with β = 1, 1/2, 3/4 which can also be decomposed into scalar and vector parts in the form VV(r) = -Ar-β+(1-∊)κrβ and VS(r) = ∊κrβ+V0; where 0≤∊≤1. The energy eigenvalues are carried out up to the third order approximation using the shifted large-N-expansion technique.
A simple phenomenological potential model is suggested to describe the interaction between the constituent quarks of meson systems. Taking the spin-dependence terms in consideration modifies some previous potential models. The resonance masses and the leptonic decay widths of ,
mesons are calculated using the nonrelativistic wave equation. A comparison between the present calculations and the available experimental results are given.
Masses and decay width for some heavy baryons are studied within Isgur–Wise formalism. The extended Cornell potential is employed. The hyper-radial Schrödinger equation with extended Cornell potential is solved to obtain eigenvalues of energy and baryonic wave function by using the extended iteration method. Masses and the rate of decay width for some heavy baryons are calculated. The present results are improved in comparison with other recent works and are in a good agreement with experimental data.
Masses and magnetic moments of N and Δ resonances are calculated employing the hyperspherical approach. We extend our scheme to obtain the helicity amplitudes and transition magnetic moments of the Δ→Nγ process. We also compute the radiative decay widths and branching ratios of Δ baryons. A comparison of our results with the predictions obtained in recent theoretical models is also presented.
The half-lives of the α decay for even–even nuclei having Z=62–118 (164 nuclei) have been calculated by using the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) method together Bohr–Sommerfeld (BS) quantization condition for cosh potential in two-different forms with and without the isospin effects for six different parameter sets. By comparing the obtained results with the experimental values, the rms deviations have been computed. It is obtained that when the cosh potential is used in 2 different type forms, the rms values are also changed and the better one for obtaining the half-lives is cosh-2 form. Even if the isospin-dependent potential does not have so much effect on rms values in this sort of WKB with BS calculations with cosh potential forms, considering the isospin effect together the isospin-dependent nuclear diffuseness parameter have a strong influence on the rms values. New hindrance factor formula based on liquid drop model was used in order to show the influence of hindrance factor on the α decay half-lives. It is pointed out that this new function of the hindrance factor does not depend on the magic numbers, it contains fewer free parameters and using of this improves the calculations positively. New estimates by using present model have also been made for even–even nuclei having with Z=118–120 which do not have the measured α decay half-lives yet and they have been compared the results of the ImSahu model. The present results would provide useful information and knowledge for the explanation of half-lives of α decay of nuclei and future possible experimental studies.
Excited state mass spectra of the low lying single charmed baryons with nonstrangeness have been calculated in a hypercentral approach. The six-dimensional hyperradial Schrödinger equation is solved by applying a simple variational method. We extend our scheme to predict the magnetic moments and the 32+→12+ transition magnetic moments of Σc and Λc state baryons. A comparison of our results with the experimental data and predictions obtained in recent models is also presented.
In this work, we study the properties of the heavy baryons with strangeness employing a constituent quark model in the hypercentral approach. The potential model considers the interactions arising the one-gluon exchange, Goldstone boson exchange and confinement, aspects of underlying theory, quantum chromodynamics (QCD). By solving three-body Schrodinger equation of baryonic system, we obtain the ground as well as the corresponding energy eigenvalues of the system. Using the obtained energies, we calculate the baryon spectrum. We extend our scheme to predict the radiative decay width of the charm baryons. A comparison of our results with those of other works and experimental data is also presented.
Heavy tetraquark states are studied within the diquark-antidiquark picture in the framework of a simple constituent quark model. Considering hyperfine spin and isospin interactions, we predict the masses of the scalar diquarks and of the open and hidden charmed and bottom scalar tetraquarks. Our results indicate the scalar resonances D∗0(2400) and Ds(2632) have a sizable tetraquark amount in their wave function, while it turns out the scalar state D∗s0(2317) should not be considered as being predominately diquark-antidiquark bound states.
In this work, we study the Hamiltonian of Deuteron as a two-body system and solve the equation of the system in the non-relativistic limit. We obtain the ground state wave function as well as the corresponding energy eigenvalue of the deuteron system. The considered potentials are a combination of the confinement, Coulomb-like (as the one arising from one gluon exchange) and Goldstone boson exchange interaction.
The reaction rates of the direct astrophysical capture processes 3He(α,γ)7Be and 3H(α,γ)7Li, as well as the abundance of the 7Li element are estimated in the framework of a two-body potential model. The estimated 7Li/H abundance ratio of 7Li/H=(5.07±0.14)×10−10 is in a very good agreement with the recent measurement 7Li/H=(5.0±0.3)×10−10 of the LUNA collaboration.
The mass spectrum of the ground-state tetraquarks with hidden bottom are studied within a diquark-antidiquark configuration. The considered Hamiltonian is a combination of the linear confining, Coulombic and spin-spin interaction terms. Using the perturbation theory, we calculate the heavy meson spectra and then estimate the masses of the hidden bottom tetraquaks in the non-relativistic limit. We find that the exotic state Zb(10650) can be considered as diquarkantidiquark bound state.
We study the single charm baryons in a non-relativistic quark model. We use the hypercentral approach to simplify three-body equation of the baryonic system. In our study, the spin and isospin dependent interactions are calculated perturbatively. The mass spectra of the single charm baryons are calculated. We also predict the radiative decay width and the transition magnetic moments of the Σc baryons. A comparison of our results with the experimental data and the predictions of recent models is presented.