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  • articleNo Access

    Global Development

      WHO Update on Avian Influenza A (H5N1) — 14 January 2004.

      WHO Update on Influenza A (H3N2) — 13 January 2004.

      Endo wins suit to sell generic drug.

    • articleNo Access

      General News

        TH Tech Park Attracts US$26 Million in Biotech Operations.

        'Tooth-In-Eye' Surgery.

        Biopolis Grows to Becomae a Global Biomedical Hub.

        Singapore's Pulau Ubin Bans Poultry Completely.

      • articleNo Access

        Special Feature — Bird Flu

          Avian Flu – A Never Ending Disaster?

          Avian Flu and the Pandemic Threat.

          The Risk of an H5N1 Pandemic in Humans is Possible but Unlikely.

        • articleNo Access


          Avian influenza (AI) is a highly contagious and zoonotic viral disease that affects several animal species. It causes heavy economic losses in the domestic poultry. A quick response is always desired in the event of any disease outbreak. The principal approach to control a contagious disease involves the killing of diseased animals along with the bio containment of infectious agent. Mass depopulation of the infected birds plays an important role in the eradication of the disease. The possible strategies for mass depopulation include maceration, electrocution, cervical dislocation, gassing and foaming. All of these procedures are much intensive and time consuming because it involves a lot of man power, biosecurity risks, applicability for all house types and suitability for large-scale emergency implementation. The basic objectives of these strategies include (1) To reduce pain and suffering to the birds, (2) To minimize disease spread and (3) To ensure of protection to human operators from potential biohazards. A suitable depopulation technique can only be suggested keeping in view the species and type of bird involved, and differences in husbandry practices like management, housing and stocking density. Mass depopulation is an important tool to control the spread of any disease but the selection of procedure depends upon the prevailing circumstances. In this paper, various mass depopulation strategies and their selection in different conditions is reviewed and discussed.

        • chapterNo Access

          Chapter 9: Exploiting Agro-Wastes for Sustainable Animal Production Systems and Food Security

          Animal production systems are currently under immense pressure to sustainably produce high-quality food products capable of meeting the nutritional demands of a rapidly growing human population. At the same time, the fate of food and agro-industrial waste determines the state of food and nutrition security worldwide and the environmental sustainability of the agricultural enterprises themselves. Addressing this challenge requires prudent valorisation strategies for these wastes as sources of nutrients and bioactive compounds that can be re-channelled into food production systems. Indeed, contemporary concepts, such as the circular bio-economy and sustainable development goals in relation to food loss and waste, indicate a global desire to reduce and re-use food and agro-industrial wastes for environmental, economic, and social sustainability. Over the years, agricultural and food producers have relied on first-generation disposal strategies, such as incineration and landfill deposition, to manage waste with little regard to environmental consequences. There has been a rise in efforts to protect the environment from wanton pollution caused by these traditional waste disposal methods. Valorising usable food and agro-industrial wastes to support animal production is an alternative strategy that addresses environmental threats and enhances food and nutrition security through the provision of animal products to the ever-increasing human population. This chapter explores how agro-industrial and food wastes can be valorised for use in animal production systems to sustainably improve productivity and product quality and thus contribute to food and nutrition security. We postulate that the utilisation of these wastes to optimise animal production systems is an ingenious, long-term strategy that contributes to improved environmental health, food security, and resource efficiency, which is a critical component of a circular bio-economy.