In this paper, we introduce ℤ2Z2-braids and, more generally, GG-braids for an arbitrary group GG. They form a natural group-theoretic counterpart of GG-knots, see [V. O. Manturov; Reidemeister moves and groups, preprint (2014), arXiv:1412.8691]. The underlying idea used in the construction of these objects — decoration of crossings with some additional information — generalizes an important notion of parity introduced by the second author (see [V. O. Manturov, Parity in knot theory, Sb. Math.201(5) (2010) 693–733]) to different combinatorically geometric theories, such as knot theory, braid theory and others. These objects act as natural enhancements of classical (Artin) braid groups. The notion of dotted braid group is introduced: classical (Artin) braid groups live inside dotted braid groups as those elements having presentation with no dots on the strands. The paper is concluded by a list of unsolved problems.