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Based on the hard-scattering factorization which decomposes the diffractive structure function into a pomeron flux and a pomeron structure function, we study the single diffractive production in polarized pp scattering: , which will be observed at forthcoming RHIC experiment. By analyzing the cross-section and correlation of the spin polarization between the initial proton and produced , we found that the process might be effective for testing both hard-scattering factorization and models of the polarized gluon distribution in the proton.
TALYS 1.0 code was used to calculate excitation function for proton induced on 85/87/natRb, 89Y and 88/87/86Sr targets that lead to produce 85Sr radioisotope using low and medium energy accelerators. Recommended thickness of the targets according to SRIM code was investigated. Theoretical integral yields for any reaction were computed. The results were compared with experimental data. 85Rb(p, n)85Sr process was determined as most interesting one due to radionuclidic purity. The TALYS 1.0 code predicts a maximum cross-section of about 798 mb at 11 MeV for this reaction.