Since the introduction of asymmetric cointegration and error-correction modeling, old theories have been getting a renewed attention, and purchasing power parity theory (PPP) is no exception. In this paper, we revisit the PPP by applying this relatively new technique. When we applied the symmetric cointegration test of Pesaran et al. [Pesaran, MH, Y Shin and RJ Smith (2001). Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16(3), 289–326], we found cointegration between the nominal exchange rate and relative prices in 22 out of 82 countries. However, application of the asymmetric cointegration method of Shin et al. [Shin, Y, B Yu and M Greenwood-Nimmo (2014). Modelling asymmetric cointegration and dynamic multipliers in a nonlinear ARDL framework. In R. Sickels and W. Horrace (eds.), Festschrift in Honor of Peter Schmidt: Econometric Methods and Applications, pp. 281–314. New York: Springer] increased the number to 51 out of 82 countries. Nonlinear adjustment of relative prices was said to be the main contributing factor.