PIXE technique was applied to measurement of trace elements in total diet samples collected in Japan for estimation of their daily dietary intake. Results of PIXE analysis were compared with INAA Concentration of Cl, K, Mn and Zn by PIXE analysis well agreed with the results from NAA, while Ca, Fe and Cu showed different results between these two techniques. Preliminary data of elemental concentrations in Mate-cha, a kind of tea popular in South America, determined by ICP-AES indicated a little higher concentration of Cu than that by PIXE and much lower value than that by INAA For Zn. concentrations by PIXE and ICP well agreed to each other, while INAA gave much lower value. Japanese internal radiation doses by 137Cs and 90Sr were estimated to be 2.30µSv/year and 1.27µSv/year respectively as the effective dose equivalents using the daily intake data obtained for K and Ca.
In this paper, a unified model is presented for two-lane lattice traffic flow, with comparing different effects in the various lattice hydrodynamic models. Results of linear and nonlinear analysis show that multiple density difference effect (MDDE) is the strongest to enlarge the stable region in two-lane systems. Followed by density difference effect (DDE), multiple flux difference effect (MFDE), and finally flux difference effect (FDE). But when density is around 0.25, MFDE is better to enlarge the stable region than DDE. The reason is that a small flow-rate value might correspond to either a light traffic or a heavy traffic. Also energy consumption and traffic emissions are analyzed and shown to be the same marshaling sequence as linear and nonlinear analysis results. Numerical simulations validate theoretical analysis. And this is consistent with the realistic.
In this paper, the homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and the Padé approximation are employed to investigate the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) boundary layer flow over a nonlinear stretching sheet, which occurs in many important engineering applications, such as the power generator, the cooling of reactors and the design of heat exchangers. The validity of results is verified by comparison with exact results and is shown in tables and graphs. It is found that the HPM is a user-friendly, powerful tool for solving complicated problems in physics and mathematics, and that in particular it has good accuracy as compared with exact results.
A well-known approach for identifying defect-prone parts of software in order to focus testing is to use different kinds of product metrics such as size or complexity. Although this approach has been evaluated in many contexts, the question remains if there are further opportunities to improve test focusing. One idea is to identify other types of information that may indicate the location of defect-prone software parts. Data from software inspections, in particular, appear to be promising. This kind of data might already lead to software parts that have inherent difficulties or programming challenges, and in consequence might be defect-prone. This article first explains how inspection and product metrics can be used to focus testing activities. Second, we compare selected product and inspection metrics commonly used to predict defect-prone parts (e.g. size and complexity metrics, inspection defect content metrics, and defect density metrics). Based on initial experience from two case studies performed in different environments, the suitability of different metrics for predicting defect-prone parts is illustrated. The studies revealed that inspection defect data seems to be a suitable predictor, and a combination of certain inspection and product metrics led to the best prioritizations in our contexts. In addition, qualitative experience is presented, which substantiates the expected benefit of using inspection results to optimize testing.
Two intelligent part-bringing (path planning or finding) algorithms, to bring a part from an initial position to an assembly hole or a receptacle (target or destination) for a purpose of part mating, related to a robotic part assembly task are introduced. These algorithms are then compared through simulations and several criteria. An entropy function, which is a useful measure of the variability and the information in terms of uncertainty, is introduced to measure its overall performance of a task execution related to the part-bringing task. Fuzzy set theory, well-suited to a management of uncertainty, is introduced to address an uncertainty associated with the part-bringing procedure. A degree of uncertainty associated with a part-bringing is used as an optimality criterion, or cost function, e.g. minimum fuzzy entropy, for a specific task execution. It is shown that the machine organizer using a sensor system can intelligently determine an optimal control value, based on explicit performance criteria, to overcome environmental uncertainty. The algorithms use knowledge processing functions such as machine reasoning, planning, inferencing, learning, and decision-making. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
The purpose of this study was to compare the initial and final outcome range of motion in the MCP-J and PIP-J of single digit Dupuytren's Contracture treated with either open surgical excision or manipulation after collagenase clostridium histolyticum (CCH; Xiapex) injection. Material: Ten patients in either group. The range of motion measurements were statistically compared using the student t-test with a p-value of 0.05. There was no statistical difference in the pre-treatment status of the total active range of movement (TAM) between the two groups. Results: Open surgical release achieved a statistically better initial outcome in combined total passive range of movement than the xiapex group (p = 0.0047), but at the final outcome the better TAM measurement at the MCP-J after surgery was not statistically significant. However, the total active range of movement was statistically better at the PIP-J level in the xiapex group (p = 0.01) and the MCP-J and PIP-J combined total active range of movement was statistically better in the xiapex group (p = 0.0258). Conclusion: Surgery achieved better initial outcome at both MCP-J and PIP-J levels, and at discharge, only extension in the MCP-J level was statistically better after open excision. However the final outcome was statistically better at the PIP-J level in extension (p = 0.006) and total active movement (TAM) (p = 0.008) after treatment with collagenase clostridium histolyticum. Further studies are required to assess the long-term differences between the two groups and to investigate the outcomes for patients with multi-digit involvement.
In this note we are concerned with the solution of Forward–Backward Stochastic Differential Equations (FBSDE) with drivers that grow quadratically in the control component (quadratic growth FBSDE or qgFBSDE). The main theorem is a comparison result that allows comparing componentwise the signs of the control processes of two different qgFBSDE. As a by-product one obtains conditions that allow establishing the positivity of the control process.
The goal of this paper is to investigate a new class of elliptic mixed boundary value problems involving a nonlinear and nonhomogeneous partial differential operator (p,q)(p,q)-Laplacian, and a multivalued term represented by Clarke’s generalized gradient. First, we apply a surjectivity result for multivalued pseudomonotone operators to examine the existence of weak solutions under mild hypotheses. Then, a comparison theorem is delivered, and a convergence result, which reveals the asymptotic behavior of solution when the parameter (heat transfer coefficient) tends to infinity, is obtained. Finally, we establish a continuous dependence result of solution to the boundary value problem on the data.
The present research deals with selected multi-criteria methods identified according to available literature sources as a suitable instrument for the comprehensive evaluation of a set of alternatives. Further, it focuses on a group of methods including Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), which is often associated in practice with the use of several subjective and objective methods for the determination of the weights of selected indicators. Accordingly, five of these objective methods are used in this research. The main contribution consists in emphasizing the differences between the results achieved through various methods for the determination of the weights of input indicators. Moreover, we restate the fact that the choice of an adequate method to weigh indicators significantly affects the overall results of the TOPSIS technique. The Coefficient of Variance method clearly identifies subjects in prominent positions. Subsequently, the Mean Weight method does not consider the structure of data and their variability, while focusing on all the indicators being equal. The results obtained via the Standard Deviation and the Statistical Variance Procedure methods are comparable with the results obtained for the identical weights of individual indicators, i.e., the Mean Weight method. Therefore, based on the overall results of our research for the determination of the weights of input indicators for the purposes of the TOPSIS technique, we recommend the use of the Standard Deviation method.
New high-throughput sequencing technologies can generate millions of short sequences in a single experiment. As the size of the data increases, comparison of multiple experiments on different cell lines under different experimental conditions becomes a big challenge. In this paper, we investigate ways to compare multiple ChIP-sequencing experiments. We specifically studied epigenetic regulation of breast cancer and the effect of estrogen using 50 ChIP-sequencing data from Illumina Genome Analyzer II. First, we evaluate the correlation among different experiments focusing on the total number of reads in transcribed and promoter regions of the genome. Then, we adopt the method that is used to identify the most stable genes in RT-PCR experiments to understand background signal across all of the experiments and to identify the most variable transcribed and promoter regions of the genome. We observed that the most variable genes for transcribed regions and promoter regions are very distinct. Gene ontology and function enrichment analysis on these most variable genes demonstrate the biological relevance of the results. In this study, we present a method that can effectively select differential regions of the genome based on protein-binding profiles over multiple experiments using real data points without any normalization among the samples.
A metabolic network model provides a computational framework for studying the metabolism of a cell at the system level. The organization of metabolic networks has been investigated in different studies. One of the organization aspects considered in these studies is the decomposition of a metabolic network. The decompositions produced by different methods are very different and there is no comprehensive evaluation framework to compare the results with each other. In this study, these methods are reviewed and compared in the first place. Then they are applied to six different metabolic network models and the results are evaluated and compared based on two existing and two newly proposed criteria. Results show that no single method can beat others in all criteria but it seems that the methods introduced by Guimera and Amaral and Verwoerd do better on among metabolite-based methods and the method introduced by Sridharan et al. does better among reaction-based ones. Also, the methods are applied to several artificial networks, each constructed from merging a few KEGG pathways. Then, their capability to recover those pathways are compared. Results show that among metabolite-based methods, the method of Guimera and Amaral does better again, however, no notable difference between the performances of reaction-based methods was detected.
The main goal of a topology control scheme in wireless sensor networks is to reduce node power consumption in order to extend network lifetime. In this paper we present an overview of a range of topology control algorithms proposed in literature for wireless sensor networks. The topology control schemes in most of the existing works can be categorized into two classes: Either multi-state or power-control. We believe that most energy savings might come from turning off redundant nodes rather than by minimizing node transmit power. However, both classes of schemes could be combined for further energy savings. Each algorithm is described in depth and compared against each other to capture their uniqueness. The most important design issues of topology control are also highlighted.
This paper presents and compares continuous assumed gradient (CAG) methods when applied to structural elasticity. CAG elements are finite elements where the strain, i.e., the deformation gradient, is replaced by a C0-continuous interpolation. Similar approaches are found in nodal integration and SFEM. Recently, interpolation schemes for a continuous assumed deformation gradient were proposed for first order tetrahedral and hexahedral finite elements. These schemes try to balance accuracy and numerical efficiency. At the same time, the stability of the interpolation with respect to hourglassing and spurious low energy modes is ensured. This paper recalls the fundamentals of CAG elements, i.e., the formulation and linearization. Furthermore, it extends the approach to second order finite elements. Examples prove convergence and accuracy of the quadratic elements. Two interpolation schemes, one being supported by finite element nodes and interior points and the other being a higher-order tensor-product polynomial, are identified to be most accurate.
Ebola virus is a highly lethal filovirus, claimed thousands of people in its recent outbreak. Seven viral proteins constitute ebola viral structure, and four of them (nucleoprotein (NP), polymerase L, VP35 and VP30) participate majorly in viral replication and transcription. We have elucidated a conformation change of NP cleft by VP35 NP-binding protein domains through superimposing two experimental NP structure images and discussed the function of this conformation change in the replication and transcription with polymerase complex (L, VP35 and VP30). The important roles of VP30 in viral RNA synthesis have also been discussed. A “tapping” model has been proposed in this paper for a better understanding of the interplay among the four viral proteins (NP, polymerase L, VP35 and VP30). Moreover, we have pinpointed some key residue changes on NP (both NP N- and C-terminal) and L between Reston and Zaire by computational studies. Together, this paper provides a description of interactions among ebola viral proteins (NP, L, VP35, VP30 and VP40) in viral replication and transcription, and sheds light on the complex system of viral reproduction.
Gold nanoparticles are promising dual agents for combined photothermal-radiotherapy of cancer. Nevertheless, the shape effects of gold nanoparticles on photothermal conversion efficiency and radiosensitization have not been completely revealed. To address this knowledge gap, different shapes of gold nanoparticles including gold nanospheres (GNSs), gold nanorods (GNRs), gold nanocages (GNCs) and gold nanoflowers (GNFs) were synthesized. Despite being subjected to the same modification with poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG), these gold nanoparticles showed different cellular uptake efficiencies: GNFs>>GNSs>>GNCs>>GNRs. Moreover, GNRs, GNCs and GNFs could convert near-infrared (NIR) light to heat and GNFs displayed the highest photothermal conversion efficiency, whereas GNSs showed poor photothermal effects due to the weak NIR absorption. The highest uptake efficiency as well as the best photothermal conversion ability led to GNFs to exhibit the best photothermal therapeutic effect. Furthermore, all the gold nanoparticles could be used as radiosensitizers to improve radiotherapeutic effect. Among these nanoparticles, GNFs showed the best radiation enhancement effect because of their highest uptake efficiency. Furthermore, a higher accumulation of GNFs in tumor tissues was observed than those of other shaped gold nanoparticles. Importantly, our in vitro and in vivo comparative studies revealed that GNFs possessed the strongest anticancer effect in combined photothermal-radiotherapy. Hence, compared to gold nanoparticles with other shapes, the GNFs might be more desirable dual agents for highly efficient combined photothermal-radiotherapy.
We introduce a notion of probabilistic convexity and generalize some classical globalization theorems in Alexandrov geometry. A weighted Alexandrov's lemma is developed as a basic tool.
XRD pattern of ββ-Ga2O3 powder, synthesized through template-free two step hydrothermal method at low temperature thoroughly, is investigated by imposing different methods of analysis. Both crystallite sizes and micro-strains of the micro-structures are analyzed and compared. Along with the traditional Scherrer’s formula (S-average, LF and LFTZ), modified Williamson–Hall (W-H) method with UDM, USDM and UDEDM and Size-Strain Plot (SSP) method were used for the investigation. Stress and defect energy densities were calculated from USDM and UDEDM modified W-H plots of the powder sample, respectively. Detailed analysis of the crystallite size and micro-strain from different methods/models was done. Obtained crystallite sizes and micro-strains from different models were compared with the results obtained from TEM analysis. It was found that crystallite sizes obtained from UDM modified W-H analysis and SSP models well coincided with crystallite size observed from TEM micrograph.
The main purpose of this study is to apply advanced exergy analysis to the transcritical CO2 vapor compression refrigeration system, and compare with the analysis of subcritical cycle using ammonia and R404a. Endogenous, exogenous, avoidable and unavoidable exergy destructions are determined for each component of these systems. For CO2 system, compressor contributes highest avoidable endogenous exergy destruction and gas cooler contributes highest avoidable exogenous exergy destruction. It is concluded that compressor is the first component for CO2 and R404a, and evaporator is the first component for NH3 to be improved. System improvement options to reduce the exergy destruction are discussed as well.
The differences exist among rural areas of different tourism types in the aspects of peasant livelihood capital, livelihood strategy, and livelihood outcome. This paper conducts the comparative studies on peasant sustainable livelihood on two representatives, Maojiayu village and Changzhou village in Jixian (a county in Tianjin), based on the fieldwork and participatory country evaluating methods. The study finds that: (1) in rural areas of different tourism types, where their natural background, history of development, resources endowment, and regional policy are different, their tourism livelihood capital is various. The comparison finds huge differences in natural capital, material capital, and financial capital, but tiny difference in human resources capital and social capital for Maojiayu village and Changzhou village. (2) For the comparison of livelihood strategy and livelihood outcome, Maojiayu village mainly focus on the tourism-program-driven livelihood, while Changzhou village's livelihood is driven by tourism facilities and natural environment. The transformation and upgrading of tourism accommodation can significantly promote the tourism livelihood outcome; meanwhile, the introducing of new tourism programs can also bring the same effect. (3) The peasants in Maojiayu village and Changzhou village feel more comfortable, confident, and healthier by realizing the integration and localization of living and employment, as well as solving the issues of Three Rural Issues, for example left-behind children and empty-nest elderly in rural areas. If the local government can help to further improve the livelihood capital and extent tourism industry chain in the rural tourism areas, the peasants will have more livelihood strategy choices to promote the rural tourism industry.
COVID-19 is becoming a large health and economic threat worldwide. Here, the epidemic statistics and prevention measures between China and the US are compared. It is noted that wearing masks at different stages of virus breakout, quarantine pattern, and policy executive strength may be the major factors causing the difference in effectiveness of the epidemic control.
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