We call a link (knot) L to be strongly Jones (respectively, Homfly) undetectable, if there are infinitely many links which are not isotopic to L but share the same Jones (respectively, Homfly) polynomial as L. We reconstruct Kanenobu’s knot [Kanenobu, Infinitely many knots with the same polynomial invariant, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 97(1) (1986), 158–162] and give two new constructions. Using these constructions, we give some examples of strongly Jones undetectable: 88, 89, 1022, 1035, 10155, 41#41, 52#52! (52! is the mirror image of 52) and etc. For some special cases, these constructions will be shown to be strongly Jones undetectable and strongly Homfly undetectable.