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A quantum gate is implemented by control interactions between qubits and their ancilla system. It has been shown that the control interactions have possibilities to induce the dynamical decoherence on the qubits if an additive conservation law is assumed in the interactions and the ancilla system is finite. This decoherece put the precision limit on the gate, which cannot be removed from the qubit by optimizing the interaction and the initialization of the ancilla system. In this paper, we give the outline of investigating the precision limit which is formulated by the lower bound of the gate infidelity, one minus the squared fidelity, for an arbitrary self-adjoint gate on a single qubit. We show rigorous lower bounds in terms of the variance of the conserved quantity and a simple geometrical relation between the conservation law to be assumed and the gates to be implemented. We also comment on another approach to provide the precision limit for an arbitrary single qubit gate under a conservation law.
This paper is concerned with the spin–momentum correlation in single-particle quantum states, which is described by the mixed states under Lorentz transformations. For convenience, instead of using the superposition of momenta we use only two momentum eigenstates (p1 and p2) that are perpendicular to the Lorentz boost direction. Consequently, in 2D momentum subspace we show that the entanglement of spin and momentum in the moving frame depends on the angle between them. Therefore, when spin and momentum are perpendicular the measure of entanglement is not an observer-dependent quantity in the inertial frame. Likewise, we have calculated the measure of entanglement (by using the concurrence) and have shown that entanglement decreases with respect to the increase in observer velocity. Finally, we argue that Wigner rotation is induced by Lorentz transformations and can be realized as a controlling operator.
We demonstrate the use of optimal control to design two entropy-manipulating quantum gates which are more complex than the corresponding, commonly used, gates, such as CNOT and Toffoli (CCNOT): A two-qubit gate called polarization exchange (PE) and a three-qubit gate called polarization compression (COMP) were designed using GRAPE, an optimal control algorithm. Both gates were designed for a three-spin system. Our design provided efficient and robust nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) radio frequency (RF) pulses for 13C2-trichloroethylene (TCE), our chosen three-spin system. We then experimentally applied these two quantum gates onto TCE at the NMR lab. Such design of these gates and others could be relevant for near-future applications of quantum computing devices.
Since non-permutative quantum gates have more complex rules than permutative quantum gates, it is very hard to synthesize quantum logic circuits using non-permutative quantum gates, such as controlled-square-root-of-NOT gates (CV∕CV+ gates). In the efficient synthesis algorithm, direct use of quantum non-permutative gates should be avoided. Rather, the key method is to use quantum gates to create new permutative quantum gates that then replace non-permutative quantum gates. This method assumes the library of quantum gate primitives are constructed so as to have the lowest possible quantum cost. In this paper, we first propose some new CV∕CV+-like gates, i.e. controlled-kth-root-of-NOT gates where k = 2,4,8,…, and give all corresponding matrixes. Further, we also present a novel generic method to quickly and directly construct this new optimal quantum logic gate library using CNOT and these non-permutative quantum gates. Our method introduces new means to find permutative quantum gates with lower quantum cost.
We present a scheme to implement a quantum gate for two-atom trapped in distant cavities connected via an optical fiber. In the whole process, the atomic system, the cavity modes and the fiber are not excited ensuring that the operation is insensitive to atomic spontaneous emission, cavity decay and the fiber loss. This scheme is significant for distributed and scalable quantum computation.
Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers implanted beneath the diamond surface have been demonstrated to be effective in the processing of controlling and reading-out. In this paper, NV center entangled with the fluorine nuclei collective ensemble is simplified to Jaynes–Cummings (JC) model. Based on this system, we discussed the implementation of quantum state storage and single-qubit quantum gate.
Multi-valued quantum operations have several advantages over binary operators. They decrease the number of essential data sending lines dramatically, which reduces the internal connections and thus can improve the circuit efficiency. In this paper, new reversible quaternary flip-flops are proposed which decrease the number of internal connectors and complexity of the circuits. So, the speed of circuits is increased. The implementation of synchronous sequential circuits requires memory elements. The proposed flip-flops need solely one memory element.
We consider the two-step method [A. R. Kuzmak and V. M. Tkachuk, Phys. Lett. A378 (2014) 1469] for preparation of an arbitrary quantum gate on two spins with anisotropic Heisenberg interaction. At the first step, the system evolves during some period of time. At the second step, we apply pulsed magnetic field individually to each spin. We obtain the conditions for realization of SWAP, iSWAP, √SWAP and entangled gates. Finally, we consider the implementation of this method on the physical system of ultracold atoms in optical lattice.