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Wang et al. first studied hierarchical quantum information splitting of an arbitrary single-qubit state via the χχ state as the entangled channel. There exists a hierarchy among the three receivers as far as the power to recover the teleported state is concerned. But the scheme is considered in ideal environment. In this paper, we reinvestigate the scheme in amplitude-damping and phase-damping noises. The fidelity and average fidelity are adopted to quantify the effect of noise. It is found that they are both dependent on the coefficients of the teleported state and the noise parameter. Moreover, we put forward a novel deterministic scheme to realize hierarchical controlled remote preparation of an arbitrary single-qubit state. Comparing with the previous scheme via the χχ state, the sender does not need to perform information dividing due to the subtly constructed measurement basis. We also consider the proposed scheme under noisy environment.
In this paper, the effect of noise on Grover’s algorithm is analyzed, modeled as a total depolarizing channel (TDCh) and a local depolarizing channel (LDCh) in each qubit. The focus was not in error correction (e.g. by the fault-tolerant method), but to provide an insight to the kind of error, or degradation, that needs to be corrected. In the last years, analytical results regarding mainly the TDCh model have been obtained. In this paper, we extend these previous results to the local case, concluding that the degradation of Grover’s algorithm with the latter is worse than the former. It has been shown that for both cases with an N-dependent small enough error-width, smaller than 1∕√N1∕√N for total error and 1∕(√Nlog2N)1∕(√Nlog2N) for the local case, correction is not needed.
Hierarchical remote preparation of equatorial states has practical applications but has not been studied before. We first propose a deterministic protocol for two-dimensional equatorial states via a four-qubit cluster state. The sender can asymmetrically transmit the secret state to any one of the three agents who are ranked in terms of their authorities. A set of useful measurement bases is elaborately constructed which plays a key role in the protocol. Then the protocol is generalized to high-dimensional system. Further, taking advantage of cluster state’s symmetry, we give a universal protocol with multiple agents. The high-grade agent needs the assistance of the remaining high-grade agents as well as one of the low-grade agents. While the low-grade agent needs the cooperation of all the other agents. The agents’ recovery operators are expressed by a general formula which clearly reveals the relationship with the measurement results. Additionally, the impact of two kinds of noise is analyzed.
Quantum noise or decoherence is a major factor impacting the performance of quantum technologies. On the qubit, an important quantum noise, often relevant in practice, is the thermal noise or generalized amplitude damping noise, describing the interaction with a thermal bath at an arbitrary temperature. A qubit thermal noise however cannot be modeled nor directly simulated with a few elementary Pauli operators, but instead requires specific operators. Our main goal here is to construct a circuit model for simulating the thermal noise from standard elementary qubit operators. Starting from a common quantum-operation model based on Kraus operators and an associated qubit-environment model, we derive a proper Stinespring dilated representation for the thermal noise. This dilated unitary model is then decomposed in terms of simple elementary qubit operators, and converted into a circuit based on elementary quantum gates. We arrive at our targeted simulator circuit for the thermal noise, coming with built-in easy control on the noise parameters. The noise simulator is then physically implemented and tested on an IBM-Q quantum processor. The simulator represents a useful addition to existing libraries of quantum circuits for quantum processors, and it offers a new tool for investigating quantum signal and information processing having to cope with thermal noise.
We study the geodesic deviation equation for a quantum particle in a linearized quantum gravitational field. Particle’s Heisenberg equations of motion are treated as stochastic equations with a quantum noise. We explore the stochastic equation beyond its local approximation as a differential equation. We discuss the squeezed states resulting from an inflationary evolution. We calculate the noise in the thermal and squeezed states.
The fundamental quantum information processing task of estimating the phase of a qubit is considered. Following quantum measurement, the estimation efficiency is evaluated by the classical Fisher information which determines the best performance limiting any estimator and achievable by the maximum likelihood estimator. The estimation process is analyzed in the presence of decoherence represented by essential quantum noises that can affect the qubit and belonging to the broad class of unital quantum noises. Such a class especially contains the bit-flip, the phase-flip, the depolarizing noises, or the whole family of Pauli noises. As the level of noise is increased, we report the possibility of non-standard behaviors where the estimation efficiency does not necessarily deteriorate uniformly, but can experience non-monotonic variations. Regimes are found where higher noise levels prove more favorable to estimation. Such behaviors are related to stochastic resonance effects in signal estimation, shown here feasible for the first time with unital quantum noises. The results provide enhanced appreciation of quantum noise or decoherence, manifesting that it is not always detrimental for quantum information processing.
In this paper, the technique of weak measurement is employed in order to enhance the fidelity of joint remote state preparation (JRSP) protocol under decoherence. We design a quantum circuit of joint remote preparation of a single-qubit state through a GHZ state. Then, we analytically derive the average fidelity of the JRSP protocol under four types of noise usually encountered in real-world implementations of quantum communication protocols, i.e. the phase-flip, depolarizing, amplitude-damping and bit-flip noise. Our study shows that the application of weak measurement and measurement reversal could enhance the average fidelity of the JRSP process under the influence of phase-flip, depolarizing, amplitude-damping noise for most values of the decoherence parameters. If the JRSP process suffers from the bit-flip noise, the weak measurement technique is not useful for increasing the average fidelity.
The influence of spontaneous emission channel and generalized Pauli channel on quantum Monty Hall Game is analyzed. The scheme of Flittney and Abbott is reformulated using the formalism of density matrices. Optimal classical strategies for given quantum strategies are found. The whole presented scheme illustrates how quantum noise may change the odds of a zero-sum game.
This paper further explores the recent scheme of switched quantum channels with indefinite causal order applied to the reference metrological task of quantum phase estimation in the presence of noise. We especially extend the explorations, previously reported with depolarizing noise and thermal noise, to the class of Pauli noises, important to the qubit and not previously addressed. Nonstandard capabilities, not accessible with standard quantum phase estimation, are exhibited and analyzed, with significant properties that are specific to the Pauli noises, while other properties are found in common with the depolarizing noise or the thermal noise. The results show that the presence and the type of quantum noise are both crucial to the determination of the nonstandard capabilities from the switched channel with indefinite causal order, with a constructive action of noise reminiscent of stochastic resonance phenomena. The study contributes to a more comprehensive and systematic characterization of the roles and specificities of quantum noise in the operation of the novel devices of switched quantum channels with indefinite causal order.
Quantum noise severely affects the security and reliability of quantum communication system. In this paper, we study the effect of quantum noise on quantum multiparty communication protocols. Taking a two-qubit joint remote state preparation (JRSP) scheme as an example, we point out that there are some calculation mistakes in a former JRSP scheme [X.W. Guan, X.B. Chen, L.C. Wang and Y.X. Yang, Int. J. Theor. Phys.53(4) (2014) 2236.]. The revised output states and fidelities in two types of noise are presented, respectively. More importantly, we present a more general form for describing the effect of noise on multi-qubit system, which is fit for the case where different types of noise act on the system consecutively. The process of the JRSP scheme in two types of noise is discussed, respectively. It is shown that the noisy effect in the general case is much stronger than the former one for the most part. Our study will be helpful for analyzing the effect of quantum noise on quantum multiparty communication system.
Having long been the realm of molecular chemistry, astronomy, and plasma diagnostics, the upper millimeter-wave band (∼100 to 300 GHz) and the THz region above it have recently become the subject of heightened activity in the engineering community because of exciting new technology (e.g., sub-picosecond optoelectronics) and promising new “terrestrial” applications (e.g., counter-terrorism and medical imaging). The most challenging of these applications are arguably those that demand remote sensing at a stand-off of roughly 10 m or more between the target and the sensor system. As in any other spectral region, remote sensing in the THz region brings up the complex issues of sensor modality and architecture, free-space electromagnetic effects and components, transmit and receive electronics, signal processing, and atmospheric propagation. Unlike other spectral regions, there is not much literature that addresses these issues from a conceptual or system-engineering viewpoint. So a key theme of this chapter is to review or derive the essential engineering concepts in a comprehensive fashion, starting with fundamental principles of electromagnetics, quantum mechanics, and signal processing, and building up to trade-off formulations using system-level metrics such as noiseequivalent power and receiver operating characteristics. A secondary theme is to elucidate aspects of the THz region and its incumbent technology that are unique, whether advantageous or disadvantageous, relative to other spectral regions. The end goal is to provide a useful tutorial for graduate students or practicing engineers considering the upper mm-wave or THz regions for system research or development.
Quantum disentanglement refers to the transformation of entangled quantum system into disentangled system via some physical processes. In this paper, we search for quantum disentangling operator for the mesoscopic two-loop LC circuit with mutual inductance m. It is this mutual inductance that causes quantum entanglement. By virtue of the method of integration within ordered product (IWOP) of operators, we find the disentangling operator and deduce the energy level (characteristic frequency). The quantum noise expression of squeezed vacuum state is also derived based on which we see that the large number of quantum entanglement engendered by the mutual inductance is, the more quantum noise produces in the mesoscopic circuit.
Quantum machine learning is expected to be one of the potential applications that can be realized in the near future. Finding potential applications for it has become one of the hot topics in the quantum computing community. With the increase of digital image processing, researchers try to use quantum image processing instead of classical image processing to improve the ability of image processing. Inspired by previous studies on the adversarial quantum circuit learning, we introduce a quantum generative adversarial framework for loading and learning a quantum image. In this paper, we extend quantum generative adversarial networks to the quantum image processing field and show how to learning and loading an classical image using quantum circuits. By reducing quantum gates without gradient changes, we reduced the number of basic quantum building block from 15 to 13. Our framework effectively generates pure state subject to bit flip, bit phase flip, phase flip, and depolarizing channel noise. We numerically simulate the loading and learning of classical images on the MINST database and CIFAR-10 database. In the quantum image processing field, our framework can be used to learn a quantum image as a subroutine of other quantum circuits. Through numerical simulation, our method can still quickly converge under the influence of a variety of noises.
Second generation ground-based gravitational wave detectors, scheduled to be operating by the middle of this decade, will be limited in sensitivity over much of their detection range by optical quantum noise. As they will be operating at power levels close to the tolerance of the optical components, significant further improvement in sensitivity will require the use of quantum optical techniques such as the injection of squeezed states. In this paper we briefly review squeezing and plans for its implementation into advanced gravitational wave detectors.
The second-order autoregressive AR(2) model is used to analyze rotational data for seismic events captured by a large ring laser gyroscope. Both the Sagnac frequency and linewidth estimates obtained from this model sense the rotational components of seismic waves. An event of magnitude ML = 6.5 at a distance of D = 5.4° from a large ring laser gyroscope operating at its quantum limit is used to compare the AR(2) model with the previous analytical phase angle method of analysis. The frequency, linewidth and analytic phase angle data each satisfactorily estimate the rotation magnitude. The direct detection of rotational motion in the P wave coda is observed, demonstrating the conversion to transverse S wave polarizations by the local geology.
We consider the description of quantum noise within the framework of the standard Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to a composite system environment setting. Averaging over the environmental degrees of freedom leads to a stochastic quantum dynamics, described by equations complying with the constraints arising from the statistical structure of quantum mechanics. Simple examples are considered in the framework of open system dynamics described within a master equation approach, pointing in particular to the appearance of the phenomenon of decoherence and to the relevance of quantum correlation functions of the environment in the determination of the action of quantum noise.
We provide a microscopic derivation for the non-Markovian master equation for an atom-cavity system with cavity losses and show that they can induce population trapping in the atomic excited state, when the environment outside the cavity has a non-flat spectrum. Our results apply to hybrid solid state systems and can turn out to be helpful to find the most appropriate description of leakage in the recent developments of cavity quantum electrodynamics.
For systems of identical Bosons, it is necessary to reformulate the notions of separability and entanglement in algebraic terms shifting the emphasis from the particle aspect of first quantization to the mode description typical of second quantization. Within this new framework, we show that, unlike for systems consisting of distinguishable qubits, negativity is an exhaustive bipartite entanglement witness for systems with fixed number of Bosons; further, we investigate the impact of dephasing noise in relation to the use of such many-body Bosonic systems in metrological applications.
For parameter estimation from an N-component composite quantum system, it is known that a separable preparation leads to a mean-squared estimation error scaling as 1/N while an entangled preparation can in some conditions afford a smaller error with 1/N2 scaling. This quantum superefficiency is however very fragile to noise or decoherence, and typically disappears with any small amount of random noise asymptotically at large N. To complement this asymptotic characterization, here we characterize how the estimation efficiency evolves as a function of the size N of the entangled system and its degree of entanglement. We address a generic situation of qubit phase estimation, also meaningful for frequency estimation. Decoherence is represented by the broad class of noises commuting with the phase rotation, which includes depolarizing, phase-flip and thermal quantum noises. In these general conditions, explicit expressions are derived for the quantum Fisher information quantifying the ultimate achievable efficiency for estimation. We confront at any size N the efficiency of the optimal separable preparation to that of an entangled preparation with arbitrary degree of entanglement. We exhibit the 1/N2 superefficiency with no noise, and prove its asymptotic disappearance at large N for any nonvanishing noise configuration. For maximizing the estimation efficiency, we characterize the existence of an optimum Nopt of the size of the entangled system along with an optimal degree of entanglement. For nonunital noises, maximum efficiency is usually obtained at partial entanglement. Grouping the N qubits into independent blocks formed of Nopt entangled qubits restores at large N a nonvanishing efficiency that can improve over that of N independent qubits optimally prepared. Also, one inactive qubit included in the entangled probe sometimes stands as the most efficient setting for estimation. The results further attest with new characterizations the subtlety of entanglement for quantum information in the presence of noise, showing that when entanglement is beneficial, maximum efficiency is not necessarily obtained by maximum entanglement but instead by a controlled degree and finite optimal amount of it.
We present a protocol for remote preparation of an arbitrary two-qudit state by using a four-qudit χ-type state as the quantum channel via positive operator-valued measurement. We first propose the protocol for remote preparation of an arbitrary two-qudit state via positive operator-valued measurement in noiseless environment and then discuss the protocol in noisy environments. Four important quantum decoherence noise models, the dephasing noise, the qudit-flip noise, the qudit-phase-flip noise and the depolarizing noise, are considered in our protocol. The output states and the fidelities of remote state preparation in four different types of quantum noises are presented. It is shown the protocol for remote state preparation via positive operator-valued measurement with χ-type state has the advantage of transmitting less particles for remote preparing an arbitrary two-qudit state. The fidelities of remote state preparation depend on the coefficients of original two-qudit state and the decoherence rates of the noise models.
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