The aim of this work is to discuss the evolution of compact stars from the view point of a string fluid in Rastall theory using Krori–Barua (KB) metric as interior geometry. The exterior spacetime is considered as Schwarzschild metric while matching of interior and exterior spacetimes lead to coefficients of KB ansatz. The field equations and dynamical variables of the string fluid are explored. We found the values of Rastall parameter η for which the dynamical variables satisfy the energy conditions which shows the existence of physical matter. The model is applied to specific physical features including energy conditions, anisotropy, stability, Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff equation, mass function, compactness and redshift of compact stars, in particular, SAX J1808.4-3658, Vela X-12 and Hercules X-1. It is found that the presented model fulfills all the physical requirements and thus, is realistic. We conclude that the string fluid is responsible for the evolution of compact stars in the cosmos.