In [B. Kwon and S. Kang, Rectangle conditions and families of 3-bridge prime knots, Topol. Appl. 291 (2021) 107453], using the set EATk of all essential alternating rational 3-tangles for positive integer k, the authors showed that all knot diagrams in the numerator closure set CN(EAT2l+1) and the denominator closure set CD(EAT2l+2) with l>0 are 3-bridge prime knot diagrams. In this paper, for n>4 we construct a set AATn4 of additions of alternating rational tangles in EAT4. The set AATn4 generalizes EATk and contains it as a subset for some k. We show that any closure set C(AATn4) on AATn4 so that the resulting diagrams are reduced and alternating knot diagrams represent alternating 3-bridge prime knot diagrams. Since a tangle diagram in AATn+14 is constructed inductively from a tangle diagram in AATn4 by adding only one crossing positively, the result of this paper supports the conjecture that 3-bridge property is preserved under one-crossing alternating addition positively to alternating 3-bridge knots in 3-bridge representations.