Gandhi’s journeys across India, carrying his ideas of peace and non-violence, including leading different socio-political projects, have been explored by numerous scholarly writings. However, scholars have paid much less attention to his trips to north–east India and his crucial contributions towards its integration with the Indian Union. Between 1921 and 1946, Gandhi made four visits to Assam, comprising four other north–east states: Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh. Each of his visits intended to popularise the national movement in this remote region of colonial India. His first visit to Assam was 100 years ago in 1921. It was termed the Khadi tour to promote the use of Khadi in one of the weavers’ populous regions. After witnessing the exclusion of the north–east from the socio-political imaginary of nationalist political leaders, Gandhi through his active participation in the Congress session in Pandu, Gauhati in 1926 brought the region into the national discourse. In order to eradicate untouchability, Gandhi undertook a Harijan tour in 1934. He visited various naam-ghars (Vaishnavite worship places) in Jorhat and opened their doors for the untouchables. Along with these tours, Gandhi continuously worked to integrate north–east with mainland India with Gandhian state leaders like Gopinath Bordoloi. In contrast, the Muslim League leader and Assam Premier Sir Muhammad Saadulla worked through Land Settlement Policy promoting migrants from East Bengal. His last visit was a year before the independence in 1946 at the backdrop of Cripps Mission and grouping of Assam. This chapter focuses on Gandhi’s four trips to Assam and his meetings with the leaders of Assam on the question of integration of the north–east. It explores the role of the Congress leaders and the Muslim League’s attempt to merge parts of the north–east into East Pakistan. This chapter is based on archival resources collected from the State Archives of Assam, Legislative Assembly Records, and letters, writing and speeches of Gandhi related to Assam.