By the operator of relative complementation is meant a mapping assigning to every element xx of an interval [a,b][a,b] of a lattice LL the set xabxab of all relative complements of xx in [a,b][a,b]. Of course, if LL is relatively complemented then xabxab is nonempty for each interval [a,b][a,b] and every element xx belonging to it. We study the question under what condition a complement of xx in LL induces a relative complement of xx in [a,b][a,b]. It is well-known that this is the case provided LL is modular and complemented. However, we present a more general result. Further, we investigate properties of the operator of relative complementation, in particular in the case when the interval [a,b][a,b] is a modular sublattice of LL or if it is finite. Moreover, we characterize when the operator abab of relative complementation satisfies the identity (xab)ab≈x(xab)ab≈x provided [a,b][a,b] is complemented and we show a class of lattices where this identity holds. Finally, we establish sufficient conditions under which two different complements of a given element xx of [a,b][a,b] induce the same relative complement of xx in this interval.