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  • articleNo Access


    In this paper we investigate the logical decidability and undecidability properties of relativity theories. If we include into our theory the whole theory of the reals, then relativity theory still can be decidable. However, if we actually assume the structure of the quantities in our models to be the reals, or at least to be Archimedean, then we get possible predictions in the language of relativity theory which are independent of ZF set theory.

  • articleNo Access


    This review gives some recollections on the recent history of the concepts of vacuum and mass and the search for higgs. According to the widely spread terminology, the Higgs field permeates vacuum and serves as the origin of masses of all fundamental particles including the Higgs boson — the higgs.

  • articleNo Access


    The crucial observation on the occurrence of subpulses (overtones) in the Power Spectral Density of the August 27 (1998) event from SGR1900+14, as discovered by BeppoSAX,7 has received no consistent explanation in the context of the competing theories to explain the SGRs phenomenology: the magnetar and accretion-driven models. Based on the ultra-relativistic, ultracompact X-ray binary model introduced in the accompanying paper,20 I present here a self-consistent explanation for such an striking feature. I suggest that both the fundamental mode and the overtones observed in SGR1900+14 stem from pulsations of a massive white dwarf (WD). The fundamental mode (and likely some of its harmonics) is excited because of the mutual gravitational interaction with its orbital companion (a NS, envisioned here as point mass object) whenever the binary Keplerian orbital frequency is a multiple integer number (m) of that mode frequency.28 Besides, a large part of the powerful irradiation from the fireball-like explosion occurring on the NS (after partial accretion of disk material) is absorbed in different regions of the star driving the excitation of other multipoles,25,26 i.e., the overtones (fluid modes of higher frequency). Part of this energy is then reemitted into space from the WD surface or atmosphere. This way, the WD lightcurve carries with it the signature of these pulsations inasmuch the way as it happens with the Sun pulsations in Helioseismology. It is shown that our theoretical prediction on the pulsation spectrum agrees quite well with the one found by BeppoSAX,7 a feature confirmed by numerical simulations (Montgomery & Winget 2000).

  • articleOpen Access

    A Model of Spacetime Dynamics with Embedded Quantum Objects

    General relativity theory (GRT) tells us that (a) space and time should be viewed as an entity (called spacetime), (b) the spacetime of a world that contains gravitational objects should be viewed as curved, and (c) spacetime is a dynamical object with a dynamically changing extent and curvature. Attempts to achieve compatibility of GRT with quantum theory (QT) have typically resulted in proposing elementary units of spacetime as building blocks for the emergence of larger spacetime objects. In the present paper, a model of curved discrete spacetime is presented in which the basic space elements are derived from Causal Dynamical Triangulation. Spacetime can be viewed as the container for physical objects, and in GRT, the energy distribution of the contained physical objects determines the dynamics of spacetime. In the proposed model of curved discrete spacetime, the primary objects contained in spacetime are “quantum objects”. Other larger objects are collections of quantum objects. This approach results in an accordance of GRT and quantum (field) theory, while coincidently the areas in which their laws are in force are separated. In the second part of the paper, a rough mapping of quantum field theory to the proposed model of spacetime dynamics is described.

  • chapterNo Access


    In classical physics there was a clear understanding of what physical space and time are: physical space is the theatre of the collection of all events that are actual at a certain moment of time, and physical time is the parametrization of the flow of time. 3-dimensional space and 1-dimensional time have been substituted by 4-dimensional time-space in relativity theory. But if reality is the 4-dimensional time-space manifold of relativity theory, what is then the meaning of ‘change in time’? We investigate this problem of relativity theory by following an operational approach originally elaborated for quantum mechanics. We show that the contradiction between a geometric view and process view of reality is due to a misconception in the interpretation of relativity theory. We argue that it is not time which is space-like, with the inevitable paradoxical situation of a block universe as result, but on the contrary, it is space which is time-like. This ‘dynamic’, ‘time-like’ conception of space answers the question of the meaning of ‘change in time’ within the 4-dimensional reality of relativity theory, and puts forward a new view on other aspects of the theory.

  • chapterNo Access

    On the Geometry of Space, Time, Energy, and Mass: Empirical Validation of the Computational Unified Field Theory

    The principle contradiction that exists between Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Theory constitutes the biggest unresolved enigma in modern Science. To date, none of the candidate theory of everything (TOE) models received any satisfactory empirical validation. A new hypothetical Model called: the ‘Computational Unified Field Theory’ (CUFT) was discovered over the past three years. In this paper it will be shown that CUFT is capable of resolving the key theoretical inconsistencies between quantum and relativistic models. Additionally, the CUFT fully integrates the four physical parameters of space, time, energy and mass as secondary computational features of a singular universal computational principle (UCP) which produces the entire physical universe as an extremely rapid series of spatially exhaustive ‘Universal Simultaneous Computational Frames’ (USCF) embodied within a novel ‘Universal Computational Formula’ (UCF). An empirical validation of the CUFT as a satisfactory TOE is given based on the recently discovered ‘Proton Radius Puzzle’, which confirms one of the CUFT ‘differential-critical predictions’ distinguishing it from both quantum and relativistic models.