If G is a finitely generated group and A is an algebraic group, then RA(G) = Hom(G, A) is an algebraic variety. Define the "dimension sequence" of G over A as Pd(RA(G)) = (Nd(RA(G)), …, N0(RA(G))), where Ni(RA(G)) is the number of irreducible components of RA(G) of dimension i (0 ≤ i ≤ d) and d = Dim(RA(G)). We use this invariant in the study of groups and deduce various results. For instance, we prove the following:
Theorem A.Let w be a nontrivial word in the commutator subgroup ofFn = 〈x1, …, xn〉, and letG = 〈x1, …, xn; w = 1〉. IfRSL(2, ℂ)(G)is an irreducible variety andV-1 = {ρ | ρ ∈ RSL(2, ℂ)(Fn), ρ(w) = -I} ≠ ∅, thenPd(RSL(2, ℂ)(G)) ≠ Pd(RPSL(2, ℂ)(G)).
Theorem B.Let w be a nontrivial word in the free group on{x1, …, xn}with even exponent sum on each generator and exponent sum not equal to zero on at least one generator. SupposeG = 〈x1, …, xn; w = 1〉. IfRSL(2, ℂ)(G)is an irreducible variety, thenPd(RSL(2, ℂ)(G)) ≠ Pd(RPSL(2, ℂ)(G)).
We also show that if G = 〈x1, . ., xn, y; W = yp〉, where p ≥ 1 and W is a word in Fn = 〈x1, …, xn〉, and A = PSL(2, ℂ), then Dim(RA(G)) = Max{3n, Dim(RA(G′)) +2 } ≤ 3n + 1 for G′ = 〈x1, …, xn; W = 1〉.
Another one of our results is that if G is a torus knot group with presentation 〈x, y; xp = yt〉 then Pd(RSL(2, ℂ)(G))≠Pd(RPSL(2, ℂ)(G)).