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This paper discusses entropy production in nonequilibrium steady states for infinite quantum spin systems. Rigorous results have been obtained recently in this area, but a physical discussion shows that some questions of principle remain to be clarified.
The Drinkable Book™: A Book You Wouldn't Mind Getting Wet.
H2O: Managing our Water and Technology.
World Toilet Organisation – Let's Talk about Toilets.
We have recorded 54 species of non-native or alien freshwater fishes from 14 of the 15 reservoirs in Singapore. 31 of these species are established and breeding in the reservoirs. Three species (Mystus wolffii, Amphilophus citrinellum, and Satanoperca jurupari) represent new alien records for Singapore.
This paper is concerned with the earthquake behaviour of reinfoced concrete tanks. It is well known that due to better earthquake-resistant characteristics, reinforced and prestressed concrete tanks have been increasingly used over the last 40 years to store liquids such as petroleum products. The size of these tanks has since been increasing. At the same time, the requirements regarding serviceability conditions, especially environmental conditions, became more and more demanding. Therefore, the earthquake behaviour as well as the earthquake-proof design of prestressed concrete tanks of large capacities is of great interest. Responding to these necessities and taking into account the special kind of dynamic response of the tank filled with liquid, a research program involving theoretical and experimental analyses was carried out. The study includes the use of base-isolating systems.