Envelope solitons of the Nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) under quantum potential's influence are studied. Corresponding problem is found to be integrable for an arbitrary strength, s ≠ 1, of the quantum potential. For s < 1, the model is equivalent to the usual NLS with rescaled coupling constant, while for s > 1, to the reaction–diffusion system. The last one is related to the anti-de Sitter (AdS) space valued Heisenberg model, realizing a particular gauge fixing condition of the (1+1)-dimensional Jackiw–Teitelboim gravity. For this gravity model, by the Madelung fluid representation we derive the acoustic form of the space–time metric. The space–time points, where dispersion changes the sign, correspond to the event horizon, while the soliton solution to the AdS black hole. Moving with the above bounded velocity, it describes evolution on the one sheet hyperboloid with nontrivial winding number, and creates under collision, the resonance states which we study by the Hirota bilinear method.