When fly-by-wire controls first appeared, much research focused on how to evaluate control laws and bare airframes for airworthiness given the reliance on electronic augmentation. Similarly, handling qualities and methods of evaluation for novel flying vehicles have been discussed whenever novel designs are developed. In the last 20 years, with the proliferation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), much research has focused on transferring existing methods of performance evaluation and airworthiness assessment to accommodate the unique feature of many UAS. However, the changes in sensory information and pilot experience levels require examining the aircraft and pilots together in a holistic manner. In this work, the authors present the results of a broad study focused on evaluation of both pilot skill and aircraft performance in a holistic way.
In this study, the skill of the remote pilot is considered as well as the effectiveness of the electronic flight control system because the evaluation is conducted on the system at-large as opposed to considering each piece individually. An evaluation approach using mission-task-elements (MTEs), like that used within Aeronautical Design Standard-33 Handling Qualities Requirements for Military Rotorcraft (ADS-33), is developed and presented for UAS. In the study, new UAS pilots were evaluated before, during, and after an intensive training program using qualitative measures (like Cooper–Harper rating) and quantitative measurements (like elapsed time) of their performance while flying the prescribed MTEs. The techniques described can provide insight into pilot performance, airframe airworthiness, and effectiveness of stability systems in an efficient test program and the results are inherently easy to understand in the context of MTEs.