Let XX be a connected open Riemann surface. Let YY be an Oka domain in the smooth locus of an analytic subvariety of ℂn, n≥1, such that the convex hull of Y is all of ℂn. Let 𝒪∗(X,Y) be the space of nondegenerate holomorphic maps X→Y. Take a holomorphic 1-form 𝜃 on X, not identically zero, and let π:𝒪∗(X,Y)→H1(X,ℂn) send a map g to the cohomology class of g𝜃. Our main theorem states that π is a Serre fibration. This result subsumes the 1971 theorem of Kusunoki and Sainouchi that both the periods and the divisor of a holomorphic form on X can be prescribed arbitrarily. It also subsumes two parametric h-principles in minimal surface theory proved by Forstnerič and Lárusson in 2016.