be a metric space with doubling measure, L a nonnegative self-adjoint operator in
satisfying the Davies–Gaffney estimate, ω a concave function on (0, ∞) of strictly lower type pω∈(0, 1] and ρ(t) = t-1/ω-1(t-1) for all t∈(0, ∞). The authors introduce the Orlicz–Hardy space
via the Lusin area function associated to the heat semigroup, and the BMO-type space
. The authors then establish the duality between
; as a corollary, the authors obtain the ρ-Carleson measure characterization of the space
. Characterizations of
, including the atomic and molecular characterizations and the Lusin area function characterization associated to the Poisson semigroup, are also presented. Let
and L = -Δ+V be a Schrödinger operator, where
is a nonnegative potential. As applications, the authors show that the Riesz transform ∇L-1/2 is bounded from Hω, L(ℝn) to L(ω). Moreover, if there exist q1, q2∈(0, ∞) such that q1<1<q2 and [ω(tq2)]q1 is a convex function on (0, ∞), then several characterizations of the Orlicz–Hardy space Hω, L(ℝn), in terms of the Lusin-area functions, the non-tangential maximal functions, the radial maximal functions, the atoms and the molecules, are obtained. All these results are new even when ω(t) = tp for all t ∈ (0, ∞) and p ∈ (0, 1).