be a Fock space and, for any non-negative integer k, let
be the sum of all homogeneous chaos spaces of order at most k. For all non-negative integers m and n, the Wick product is a bounded bilinear operator from Γ (Hc)m × Γ (Hc)n into Γ (Hc)m +n with norm greater than or equal to
. In the monograph1 S. Janson conjectured that this lower bound is exact. In this paper we prove this conjecture. In addition, we prove that a pair of nonzero vectors (ϕ, ψ)∈ Γ (Hc)m × Γ (Hc)n achieve this bound if and only if both vectors are multiples of the homogeneous products, i.e. ϕ =αu⊗m, ψ =βu⊗n, with u, v∈ Hc and α, β ∈ ℂ.