Let (𝒞,𝔼,𝔰) be an Ext-finite, Krull–Schmidt and k-linear n-exangulated category with k a commutative artinian ring. In this note, we prove that 𝒞 has Auslander–Reiten–Serre duality if and only if 𝒞 has Auslander–Reiten n-exangles. Moreover, we also give an equivalent condition for the existence of Serre duality (which is a special type of Auslander–Reiten–Serre duality). Finally, assume further that 𝒞 has Auslander–Reiten–Serre duality. We exploit a bijection triangle, which involves the restricted Auslander bijection and the Auslander–Reiten–Serre duality.