This paper presents a space–time least squares finite element formulation of one dimensional transient Navier–Stokes equations (governing differential equations: GDE) for compressible flow in Eulerian frame of reference using ρ, u, T as primitive variables with C11 type p-version hierarchical interpolations in space and time. Time marching procedure is utilized to compute time evolutions for all values of time. For high speed gas dynamics the C11 type interpolations in space and time possess the same orders of continuity in space and time as the GDE. It is demonstrated that with this approach accurate numerical solutions of Navier–Stokes equations are possible without any assumptions or approximations. In the approach presented here SUPG, SUPG/DC, SUPG/DC/LS operators are neither used nor needed. Time evolution shows resolution of shock structure (i.e., shock speed, shock relations and shock width) to be in excellent agreement with the analytical solutions. The role of diffusion, i.e., viscosity (physical or artificial) and thermal conductivity on shock structure is demonstrated. Riemann shock tube is used as model problem. Time evolutions are reported beginning with the first time step until steady shock conditions are achieved. In this approach, when the computed error functionals become zero (computationally), the computed nonweak solutions satisfy GDE accurately.