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  • articleOpen Access

    Proposed method of combining continuum mechanics with Einstein Field Equations

    The paper proposes an amendment to the relativistic continuum mechanics which introduces the relationship between density tensors and the curvature of spacetime. The resulting formulation of a symmetric stress–energy tensor for a system with an electromagnetic field leads to the solution of Einstein Field Equations indicating a relationship between the electromagnetic field tensor and the metric tensor. In this EFE solution, the cosmological constant is related to the invariant of the electromagnetic field tensor, and additional pulls appear, dependent on the vacuum energy contained in the system. In flat Minkowski spacetime, the vanishing four-divergence of the proposed stress–energy tensor expresses relativistic Cauchy’s momentum equation, leading to the emergence of force densities which can be developed and parameterized to obtain known interactions. Transformation equations were also obtained between spacetime with fields and forces, and a curved spacetime reproducing the motion resulting from the fields under consideration, which allows for the extension of the solution with new fields.

  • articleOpen Access


    A new approach to model the biomatter dynamics based on the field theory is presented. It is shown that some well known tools in field theory can be utilized to describe the physical phenomena in life matters, in particular at elementary biomatters like DNA and proteins. In this approach, the biomatter dynamics are represented as results of interactions among its elementary matters in the form of lagrangian. Starting from the lagrangian would provide stronger underlying theoretical consideration for further extension. Moreover, it also enables us to acquire rich physical observables using statistical mechanics instead of relying on the space-time dynamics from certain equation of motions which is not solvable due to its nonlinearities. Few examples from previous results are given and explained briefly.

  • articleOpen Access

    Friedmann cosmology in Regge-Teitelboim gravity

    This paper is devoted to the approach to gravity as a theory of a surface embedded in a flat ambient space. After the brief review of the properties of original theory by Regge and Teitelboim we concentrate on its field-theoretic reformulation, which we call splitting theory. In this theory embedded surfaces are defined through the constant value surfaces of some set of scalar fields in high-dimensional Minkowski space. We obtain an exact expressions for this scalar fields in the case of Friedmann universe. We also discuss the features of quantization procedure for this field theory.

  • chapterOpen Access

    Entanglement entropy in interacting field theories

    Entanglement entropy (EE) in field theory is a measure for quantum entanglement between spatially separated regions. While there are a lot of studies on EE in CFTs and free theories, EE in general interacting field theories requires further investigation. It is of very interest in order to relate the effect of the entanglement with low-energy physics. In this talk, we introduce our study on EE in interacting field theories with a subregion of a half-space. There, specific contributions to EE can be expressed in terms of renormalized correlation functions of operators. The contributions are expected to be dominant when we discuss low-energy effective theories.

  • chapterOpen Access

    Gravitational geometric phase

    We show that spinors propagating in curved gravitational background acquire an interaction with spacetime curvature, which leads to a quantum mechanical geometric effect. This is similar to what happens in the case of magnetic fields, known as Pancharatnam-Berry phase. As the magnetic and gravitational fields have certain similar properties, e.g. both contribute to curvature, this result is not difficult to understand. Interestingly, while spacetime around a rotating black hole offers Aharonov-Bohm and Pancharatnam-Berry both kinds of geometric effect, a static spacetime offers only the latter. In the bath of primordial black holes, such gravity induced effects could easily be measured due to their smaller radius.