This investigation aims to examine the resolution of the generalized nonlinear time fractional Harry Dym (𝔾ℕ𝕋𝔽ℍ𝔻) equation through a combined application of analytical and numerical methodologies. The primary objective is to scrutinize the equation’s behavior and present proficient methodologies for its resolution. The Khater II analytical technique and numerical frameworks, specifically the Cubic-B-spline, Quantic-B-spline, and Septic-B-spline schemes, are proposed for this purpose. The outcomes of this inquiry yield substantial revelations regarding the characteristics of 𝔾ℕ𝕋𝔽ℍ𝔻 equation. Both the analytical approach and numerical schemes demonstrate their efficacy in yielding precise solutions. These findings carry noteworthy implications across various disciplines, encompassing physics, mathematics, and engineering. The investigated model appears in plasma physics research on soliton theory and nonlinear waves. Soliton waves, which keep their shape and velocity while propagating, are found in plasma physics and other domains. In plasma environments, the Harry Dym equation describes these solitons and their behavior. Solitons are essential for understanding plasma dynamics, including nonlinear waves and structures. They help comprehend plasma dynamics, wave interactions, and other nonlinear processes. The principal deductions drawn from this study underscore the effectiveness and viability of the proposed techniques in resolving the 𝔾ℕ𝕋𝔽ℍ𝔻 equation. This research introduces innovative contributions in terms of insights and methodologies pertinent to analogous nonlinear fractional equations. Its scope encompasses nonlinear dynamics, fractional calculus, and numerical analysis.