All solvable, indecomposable, finite-dimensional, complex Lie superalgebras 𝔤 whose first derived ideal lies in its nilradical, and whose nilradical is a Heisenberg Lie superalgebra 𝔥 associated to a ℤ2-homogeneous supersymplectic complex vector superspace V, are here classified up to isomorphism. It is shown that they are all of the form 𝔤=𝔥⊕𝔞, where 𝔞 is even and consists of non-ad𝔤-nilpotent elements. All these Lie superalgebras depend on an element γ in the dual space 𝔞∗ and on a pair of linear maps defined on 𝔞, and taking values in the Lie algebras naturally associated to the even and odd subspaces of V; namely, if the supersymplectic form is even, the pair of linear maps defined on 𝔞 take values in 𝔰𝔭(V0), and 𝔬(V1), respectively, whereas if the supersymplectic form is odd these linear maps take values on 𝔤𝔩(V0)≃𝔤𝔩(V1). When the supersymplectic form is even, a bilinear, skew-symmetric form defined on 𝔞 is further needed. Conditions on these building data are given and the isomorphism classes of the resulting Lie superalgebras are described in terms of appropriate group actions.