The current geopolitical environment is characterized by a multiplicity of actors, both state and non-state, a growing constellation of multifaceted and often contradictory issues and interests, and an increased velocity wrought by technology and the resulting compression of physical and cyberspace, all of which are churning in a type of expanding “geopolitical metaverse”. In parallel, states find themselves “sharing” sovereignty in a co-dependent relationship with the private sector, particularly as large technology concerns increasingly control key vectors of national power. These dimensions equate to a significant disruption of the international environment. This paper examines the impact of this dynamic on the evolving Sino-US relationship, with ASEAN asserting its “centrality” as a key regional player and intermediary. The ultimate goal of this commentary is to put forward certain targeted suggestions as to how the Sino-US relationship can move toward a new equilibrium amid the prevailing climate of disruption, using an enlightened approach to conditional transactional undertakings and an astute engagement with ASEAN and other regional instances to facilitate constructive compromise and the adoption of an agenda focused on stability, modernity, and economic uplift.