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  • articleNo Access


    Space time is described as a continuum four-dimensional medium similar to ordinary elastic continua. Exploiting the analogy internal stress states are considered. The internal "stress" is originated by the presence of defects. The defects are described according to the typical Volterra process. The case of a point defect in an otherwise isotropic four-dimensional medium is discussed showing that the resulting metric tensor corresponds to an expanding (or contracting) universe filled up with a non-zero energy-momentum density.

  • articleNo Access

    Quark confinement in Schwarzchild-like space–time with a metric generated by a nongravitational Yukawa-like strong field

    In this work, we use the approach recently introduced by Barros to study hadron spectra and some quark confinement properties in a Schwarzchild-like space–time generated by a nongravitational field. As a starting point, for the nongravitational field, we make the choice of a strong Yukawa-like field whose associated potential is a generalized Yukawa-like potential, typical of strong interactions. Then, from the latter field, the energy momentum tensor is constructed, the Einstein field equations are solved and the curvature function of the Schwarzchild metric is obtained. The correspondence principle applied to the Schwarzchild metric has enable us to construct the Dirac equation in the latter space. The resolution of the coupled differential equations of Dirac made it possible to obtain the energy spectrum of the strong interaction. The latter is obtained in a more general form than in the previous investigations. Then, the energy spectrum, masses and confinement radius of few hadrons are estimated and compared with experimental data and other theoretical studies. In most considered cases, our predictions are found to be in good agreement with experimental data. The good agreement observed between our outcomes and the experiment can be attributed to the choice of our potential, which has more free parameters than in past studies with the same approach.

  • articleOpen Access


    In this work we propose a new procedure on how to extract global information of a space-time. We consider a space-time immersed in a higher dimensional space and formulate the equations of Einstein through the Frobenius conditions of immersion. Through an algorithm and implementation into algebraic computing system we calculate normal vectors from the immersion to find the second fundamental form. We make an application for a static space-time with spherical symmetry. We solve Einstein's equations in the vacuum and obtain space-times with different topologies.

  • articleOpen Access


    Space-time can be treated as a four-dimensional material continuum. The corresponding generally curved manifold can be thought of as having been obtained, by continuous deformation, from a flat four-dimensional Euclidean manifold. In a three-dimensional ordinary situation such a deformation process would lead to strain in the manifold. Strain in turn may be read as half the difference between the actual metric tensor and the Euclidean metric tensor of the initial unstrained manifold. On the other side we know that an ordinary material would react to the attempt to introduce strain giving rise to internal stresses and one would have correspondingly a deformation energy term. Assuming the conditions of linear elasticity hold, the deformation energy is easily written in terms of the strain tensor. The Einstein-Hilbert action is generalized to include the new deformation energy term. The new action for space-time has been applied to a Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker universe filled with dust and radiation. The accelerated expansion is recovered, then the theory has been put through four cosmological tests: primordial isotopic abundances from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis; Acoustic Scale of the CMB; Large Scale Structure formation; luminosity/redshift relation for type Ia supernovae. The result is satisfying and has allowed to evaluate the parameters of the theory.

  • articleOpen Access


    We investigate the topology of Schwarzschild's black holes through the immersion of this space-time in space of higher dimension. Through the immersions of Kasner and Fronsdal we calculate the extension of the Schwarzschilds black hole.