Let Fg be the closed orientable surface of genus g. We address the problem to extend torsion elements of the mapping class group M(Fg) over the 4-sphere S4. Let wg be a torsion element of maximum order in M(Fg). Results including:
(1) For each g, wg is periodically extendable over S4 for some non-smooth embedding e:Fg→S4, and not periodically extendable over S4 for any smooth embedding e:Fg→S4.
(2) For each g, wg is extendable over S4 for some smooth embedding e:Fg→S4 if and only if g=4k,4k+3.
(3) Each torsion element of order p in M(Fg) is extendable over S4 for some smooth embedding e:Fg→S4 if either (i) p=3m and g is even; or (ii) p=5m and g≠4k+2; or (iii) p=7m. Moreover, the conditions on g in (i) and (ii) cannot be removed.