In this paper, we construct a split octonionic mathematical approach to generalized electromagnetic and gravito-Heavisidian chirality of dyons by modification of the Drude–Born–Fedorov constitutive relations. In this context, we describe dual Euclidean space-times structure associated with 2×22×2 Zorn’s vector matrix realization of split octonion. As such, using the Zorn’s vector matrix realization, an alternative form of generalized Proca–Maxwell equations of massive dyons is obtained in chiral media. It is well known that in weak unified gravito-Heavisidian field, the Einstein’s equations become Maxwell-like equations under the first approximation. Thus, we study the gravito-Heavisidian analogous theory to electromagnetic theory, and discuss the Drude–Born–Fedorov constitutive relations, gravito-Heavisidian field, Proca–Maxwell equations and gravito-Heavisidian wave equations for linear gravitational chiral field of gravito-dyons in flat split octonion space-time.