We propose to study the thermal properties of the odd isotopes of Tin: 117,119,121117,119,121Sn. To this end, one used two methods to evaluate the properties of these elements. The first theoretical consideration uses a simple prescription to perform the calculation of these properties based on those of even–even neighboring isotopes, assuming the quasi-particle entropy extensivity. The even–even elements are treated as part of the Modified Lipkin–Nogami (MLN) method that allows to take into account the quantal and statistical fluctuations. The second theoretical approach consists of the generalization of the MLN formalism in the case of odd systems, by using the blocking technique. Then, this approach is applied to evaluate the thermal properties of the considered elements. The obtained results by both theoretical approaches are compared to the experimental data. The latter are deduced from the experimental level density within the canonical ensemble. It appears that the assumption of quasi-particle entropy extensivity at low excitation energy allows a simple and an effective treatment of thermal properties of odd nuclei. Indeed, this approach allows to give a good reproduction of experimental data in the particular in the region where the pairing transition occurs.