An nn-string tangle is a pair (B,A)(B,A) such that AA is a disjoint union of properly embedded nn arcs in a topological 33-ball BB. And an nn-string tangle is said to be trivial (or rational)aa, if it is homeomorphic to (D×I,{x1,…,xn}×I)(D×I,{x1,…,xn}×I) as a pair, where DD is a 2-disk, II is the unit interval and each xixi is a point in the interior of DD. A stick tangle is a tangle each of whose arcs consists of finitely many line segments, called sticks. For an nn-string stick tangle its stick-order is defined to be a nonincreasing sequence (s1,s2,…,sn)(s1,s2,…,sn) of natural numbers such that, under an ordering of the arcs of the tangle, each sisi denotes the number of sticks constituting the iith arc of the tangle. And a stick-order SS is said to be trivial, if every stick tangle of the order SS is trivial.
In this paper, restricting the 33-ball BB to be the standard 3-ball, we give the complete list of trivial stick-orders.