Purpose: Combination of ST segment resolution and baseline Troponin I (cTnI) measurement might be a predictor of death at 1 year in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
Methods: Six hundred and fifty eight patients between 23-92 years old (mean 57.3±8.2 years) with ST elevation acute myocardial infarction were enrolled in this study. According to cTnI measurements at admission and ST Res at 60 minutes after percutaneous coronary intervention; patients were divided into 4 groups [Group Al: (-) cTnI and ST Res, Group A2: (-) cTnI and no ST Res, Group B1: (+) cTnI and no STRes, Group B2:(+) cTnI and STRes]. Patients with LBBB, lack of ST monitoring result, and cardiogenic shock prior admission were excluded.
Results: There were no statistically significant differences between two groups at baseline. Non fatal ischemic events and mortality incidence were similar in all groups during index hospitalisation and at 1 month. Patients in Group A1 had significantly less mortality rate than Group B1 at 6 months, and at 1 year (RR 0.55, p<0.001).
Conclusion: Both ST Res at 60 minutes and baseline cTnI measurements are strong and independent predictors of ischemic events at one year. Use of their combination in ST Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction predicts the most the mortality, and more powerful to identify patients at moderate to high risk.