The strong coupling constants not only are important to understand the strong interactions of the heavy baryons, but can also help us reveal the nature and structure of these baryons. Additionally, researchers indeed have made great efforts to calculate some of the strong coupling constants, gΩ∗cΩ∗cϕ, gΩ∗cΞ∗cK∗, gΞ∗cΣ∗cK∗, gΩ∗bΩ∗bϕ, gΞ∗bΣ∗bK∗, gΞ∗bΞbπ, gΞ∗cΞcπ, gΛbNB∗, gΛbN∗B∗, gΛcND∗, gΛcN∗D∗, gΣcND∗, gΣbN∗B∗, gΣbNB∗, gΣcN∗D∗, etc. In this paper, we analyze the strong vertices Σ∗cND and Σ∗bNB using the three-point QCD sum rules under the Dirac structure of q/p//γμ. We perform our analysis by considering the contributions of the perturbative part and the condensate terms of 〈ˉqq〉 and 〈αsπGG〉. After the form factors are calculated, they are then fitted into analytical functions which are used to get the strong coupling constants for these two vertices. The final results are gΣ∗cND=7.19+8.49−3.11±1.76 and gΣ∗bNB=10.54+15.59−5.23±1.82.