This work focuses on understanding the nonlinear-optical response of a 1-D quantum wire embedded in 2-D space when quantum-size effects in the transverse direction are minimized using an extremely weighted delta function potential. Our aim is to establish the fundamental basis for understanding the effect of geometry on the nonlinear-optical response of quantum loops that are formed into a network of quantum wires. It is shown that in the limit of full confinement, the sum rules are obeyed when the transverse infinite-energy continuum states are included. While the continuum states associated with the transverse wavefunction do not contribute to the nonlinear optical response, they are essential to preserving the validity of the sum rules. This work is a building block for future studies of nonlinear-optical enhancement of quantum graphs (which include loops and bent wires) based on their geometry. These properties are important in quantum mechanical modeling of any response function of quantum-confined systems, including the nonlinear-optical response of any system in which there is confinement in at least one dimension, such as nanowires, which provide confinement in two dimensions.