In this work we use magnetic resonant x-ray diffraction to study the magnetic properties of a 1.5 µm EuTe film and an EuTe/PbTe superlattice (SL). The samples were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (111) oriented BaF2 substrates. The measurements were made at the EuL2 absorption edge, taking profit of the resonant enhancement of more than two orders in the magnetically diffracted intensity. At resonance, high counting rates above 11000 cps were obtained for the 1.5 µm EuTe film, allowing to check for the type II antiferromagnetic order of EuTe. An equal population of the three possible in-plane magnetic domains was found. The EuTe/PbTe SL magnetic peak showed a satellite structure, indicating the presence of magnetic correlations among the 5 ML (monolayers) EuTe layers across the 15 ML PbTe non-magnetic spacers. The temperature dependence of the integrated intensities of the film and the SL yielded different Nèel temperatures TN. The lower TN for the SL is explained considering the higher influence of the surface atoms, with partial bonds lost.