Population aging is one of the most important demographic trends facing countries worldwide. This trend is expected to have significant implications for long-term care (LTC) systems, which typically provide health and social services for individuals needing care over a prolonged period of time. Demographic trends are expected to generate increased demand for and spending on LTC services, increased requirements for both formal and informal caregivers, increased affordability concerns for LTC care recipients, and higher expectations from citizens, patients and families about access to and quality of LTC.
This chapter considers the economic and policy implications of an aging population for LTC systems, including the factors that will drive demand for and expenditure on LTC. It draws on international comparative analysis and lessons learned from other country experiences about options for financing, delivering and regulating high-quality, accessible and appropriate LTC. The chapter concludes with evidence-informed reflections on the future of LTC, including policy options to improve the quality, efficiency and value-for-money of an increasingly high-priority sector.